Chapter 5 - Feyre

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The world is dark, and I am so, so pleased. 

It's the first time since I left the night court that I have been near Rhys, and my body, my mind, my entire immortal soul is crying out in joy. I can feel his presence in the magic courseing all around me, and I notice the exact moment he locates me among the blackness. A moment later, I feel arms wrap around me, and I'm being crushed into his chest. 

I breath in his familiar scent, and at once I feel grounded, secure. At once I am happy. But it only takes a moment before I realize that the dark clearing is full of screaming. And not just screaming, cursing. And not just cursing, but some of the most eloquent and creative cursing I have ever heard. I actually laugh aloud, which sets off another string of curses. The girl, Celaena, has obviously had plenty of exposure to the less delicate side of life. 

Rhys laughs silently, I can feel the vibrations of it in my chest. 

Bring back the light you prick.  I tell him through our bond. 

I don't really want him to, but there are things that have to be figured out. 

Oh,  I add, don't kill anyone. 

Rhys shoves me playfully, then all at once the light returns. I find myself staring at the funniest tableau I have ever seen. Celaena has blades in her hands, good ones. Shes pointing them everywhere and anywhere, obviously trying to find and get a read on the threat. The white haired male that came with her, Aedion I think she said his name was, is staring around in confusion, his forehead creased in concentration. He seems to be reaching for powers that have not yet returned. And Tamlin and Lucien are on the ground, Tamlin still held captive by my bonds, Lucien simply cowering.

I laugh allowed, a shrill derisive sound to my own ears. The laugh of the girl I know have to pretend to be. 

Celeana turns to me. She pauses for only a moment as she stares at Rhys behind me, then throws a blade at my head. I bat it aside easily with a breath of air, and I get the feeling that she didn't really mean for the blade to make contact. 

The moment the blade has left Celaena's hand I feel my mate's power stream out of him, focused on the girl. He isn't using the full extent of it, but a fair deal. In my experience, that much power may just kill the girl on the spot, Fae or no. I send a thought at him, through our bond.   Don't hurt her Rhys, I'm fine. Besides, I think I kind of like her. 

I feel Rhys reluctantly reigning in his power. Aedion is staring at the three of us, slowly maneuvering himself to be beside Celaena. I can't tell if his movements are those of a soldier to his commander, or a male to his lover. Perhaps both. 

I turn away from the odd pair, there are still a few things that have to be cleared up here before I, we, return home. I stalk over to Tamlin until I'm right beside him. Then I send out my power, questing through his mind. I remove every memory he has of telling me his plans. When I'm done, just for good measure, I implant a feeling of smugness for being clever enough to not allow me to know what he's planning. Hopefully this will mean that all the plans, all the information I've gathered while being here will still be valid when I return to the night court. I then repeat the process with Lucien. 

Tamlin is looking up at me, with so much pain in his eyes that I almost, almost, feel sorry for him. Just before I turn to go he whispers "When did I lose you Feyre?".

I almost don't say anything at all. Maybe that would be better, to just leave. But, lying horrible bastard that he is, he still deserves an answer. And honestly, I've wanted to give him one for a long time.

"When did you lose me?" say, my voice soft, deadly, "You lost me when you made me pretend everything was fine, that I wasn't broken, to satisfy your peace of mind. You lost me when I told you I was drowning and in response you exploded the room we were standing in. You lost me when I begged you, begged you, to please just let me out of the house, and instead you locked me inside it like a prisoner. You lost me when you didn't realize that I was shattering, so instead of helping me, healing me, you started breaking pieces off. That's  when you lost me Tamlin."

I don't realize that there are tears running down my cheeks until I stop talking. In a moment Rhys is beside me, his hand on my shoulder. I quickly wipe away the tears, sending a feeling of love and gratitude through the bond. As I turn away from the two males on the ground, I notice Celaena and Aedion. They're both looking at me with looks of disdain, but under them I can see something else, something like sorrow. I bare my teeth at them. I am the high lady of the night court, and I need no one's pity. 

Celaena grins at me, arrogance shining from every pore. I want to laugh, but I don't. Instead I walk over to the pair of them and say "Well my ducks, this has been fun. Now I'm guessing the two of you don't know how to bring the portal back?"

Celaena cocks her head at me "Unless you have Wyrdmarks here..." I shake my head, not even knowing what the word means "Then no" she finishes.

"Hmm." I say, "Well as you've undoubtedly noticed, this land is... and interesting place to be right now. My guess is that Tamlin here is going to have some questions for you, and you'll either have to kill him or answer them. I have a counter offer. You can come with us, Rhys and I. You will be allowed to do what you wish, within reason, and you will have to answer no questions you do not wish to. And if you want we will even help you with the portal. I for one would like to know what it was doing here anyways. Do we have a deal?"

Rhys is looking at me cautiously, but he gives me a slight nod, an acknowledgement that he trusts my judgement. Celaena and Aedion share a quick glance, then Celaena says with a grin that shows all her teeth, "I suppose we do."

With that I smile and grab her arm and Rhys does the same to Aedion, the we winnow out.

We emerge on a terrace over looking the snow covered mountains.  A cool breeze carrying the scent of jasmine blows across my face. 

I turn to our guests, at Celaena who again has a blade in her hand which she is clenching so hard her knuckles are white and at Aedion who is looking as though the world has just turned on its head. "Welcome"  I say, "To the night court."

*Hey guys, 

       Sorry it took so long to update, but hope you like it!

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