Anger and Family

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Kara kept thinking about the portal that Lena had told her about. What if Barry had found a way to come visit? What if something dangerous was trying to get though? Maybe that person named Zoom that Barry had told her about? If it was Zoom then she needed to find a way to stop him. It probably wasn't Zoom, but still, she needed to be prepared for every possible situation. Kara didn't have time to worry about portals to different dimensions right now, Kara needed to worry about Mon-El. She punched the alien in the face. "Who is the other Kryptonian? Who attacked those humans and killed them?" Kara yelled at him.

"I don't know what your talking about." The alien said putting his hands up to protect himself. "I know nutten about sum other Kryptonian. Only you and 'Uberman."

"Fine." Kara said, clearly frustrated. She threw him at the approaching DEO agents and flew off. Alex and Hank would probably find out about her beating that alian up, but who cares. Kara had been sitting all day, she needed to do something. She needed to find Mon-El. Kara flew through her window and quickly pulled on some normal clothes. She was going over to L-Corp to help Lena.

"Hey, Kara." Lena said as she saw Kara walk up to the building. "How was your day?"

"I was sitting all day." Kara replied, "I need to do something. Where is the portal?"

"Follow me." Lena said opening the door for them to go into L-Corp. They walked to the elevator and got in. Lena pushed the button for the 11th floor.

"I thought you said it was on the 12th floor?" Kara asked.

"The elevator doesn't stop at the 12th floor." Lena answered, "We will walk up the stairs to the 12th floor from the 11th." The elevator began to move up, slowly. "Why were you so upset this morning?"

"I recently found out that one of my friends was kidnapped in the night." Kara answered, looking at the elevator doors, and not at Lena. "And I can't do anything to help with the investigation."

"I imagine that is frustrating." Lena said sympathetically.

"I am so frustrated." Kara said wringing her hands, "Alex says to stay put and not to interfere, but what if Mo-Mike is hurt or something?"

"I'm sure he is going to be fine."

"That's what James told me. Like the exact same words." Kara said finally turning towards Lena. Lena's face was full of worry. "It's nice of you to worry about this, but it is my problem to deal with."

"You are my only friend in the whole world, Kara." Lena replied, "If something is your problem, it is mine too." Their conversation was interrupted by the elevator opening onto the 11th floor.

"You are a good friend." Kara remarked, "I bet the only reason that I'm your only friend is because of your family. Other than them you are a great person all by yourself." They stepped out of the elevator onto the 11th floor. They walked in silence through the floor to the stairs.

When they got to the stairs Lena broke the sylence. "Do you have any family other than your sister?"

"My adoptive mother and cousin." Kara said as they began to climb the stairs. "My adoptive father is missing, only Alex, Eliza, and I believe that he is still alive." Kara didn't want to reveal too much. Especially that Lena's adoptive mother was the one holding Kara's adoptive father captive.

"You're adopted?" Lena asked, surprised.

"Yes, I am." Kara said as they reached the top of the stairs. The door to level 12 had caution/danger signs all around it.

"Are you ready?" Lena asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be, let's go." Kara answered. Lena opened the door.

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