Escape From a Stranger

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Mon-El and Ash sat in silence for a while, neither of them knew what to do about their situation. After a while of sitting Mon-El stood. "I'm tired of doing nothing." He stated, "I need to do something. Go over what happened when you took me."

"I don't know what you are going to see that I didn't," Ash said still sitting, "But okay. I was running and suddenly I was hit, in the face, and I fell over. When I got up there were a ton of guys that were surrounding me. They had these staff things with electricity arcing around the tips. They attacked me with the staff things." Ash shuddered at the thought of the pain they caused. "After fighting for a while you came along. I didn't what them to hurt you, so I flew as fast I could for you, and accidentally ran too far. I don't know what you could gather from that."

"Well, we know you flew fast and we can't tell where we are." Mon-El said trying to be hopeful.

"We already knew that." Ash said bored out of her mind. Suddenly Ash stood up. "There is someone coming."

"What!" Mon-El said lowering his voice. "Is it someone we know?"

"I don't think so." Ash answered. "She seems like she is in her late teens. She has a bow and some arrows. I think she is also carrying a sword."

"This might prove to be another problem."

"We can jump off the building."

"Right, because both of us are aliens and won't get hurt. Let's do it." Mon-El and Ash silently moved towards the edge. They jumped, Mon-El went hurtling upward, Ash right beside him. Mon-El's decent came quickly, as he fell downward Ash caught him and they descended lightly, but quickly. As soon as they hit the ground they started to run.

Mon-El and Ash didn't stop running until they were far away from the tower they had been on. They looked around where they had stopped, they were by an old abandoned warehouse. Well, it looked abandoned from where they were. "Where are we?" Mon-El asked Ash.

"Somewhere." Ash answered, "I have no idea, remember."

"Right." Mon-El said beginning to walk over to the warehouse. "Well, let's fix that." Ash hurried behind him. They turned a corner around the warehouse, so that they could see the front. "Do you know what that means?" Mon-El said looking at the scene on the building.

"Nope." Ash replied, "Let's find out." She walked into the warehouse with Mon-El close behind her. There were some boxes around the room. A bar was off to the side, and there were two staircases leading to a second floor that could be seen from the ground floor. Circular chairs and tables were scattered around both floors. There were some benches on the side of the room opposite to the bar.

"Well, now we know what Verdant means." Mon-El said turning to face Ash, "It means club, bar, thing."

"I wonder why it is abandoned?" Ash asked.

"Don't ask me." Mon-El said, "I know just as much as you."

"I think that we should stay here until we know where we are."

"That is a great idea."

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