Phantom Zone

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"Wait you know Jeremiah Danvers?" Mon-El almost yelled at Ash.

"Wait you know him?" Ash asked.

"He helped me and Supergirl escape CADMUS." Mon-El replied, "How do you know him? Other than him helping you escape from CADMUS."

"You've heard of Black Mold right?" Ash asked Mon-El, he nodded, "Well ever since I left Krypton I've been under the influence of Black Mold-"

"How are you still alive after all that time?" Mon-El interjected.

"I was stuck in the Phantom Zone for a long time," Ash responded, "The Black Mold was just as asleep as I was. Can I continue?"

"Yeah, sorry for interrupting." Mon-El apologized.

"Anyway," Ash continued, "Jeremiah Danvers helped wake me up, he was also a major part of my nightmare."

"Sorry for interrupting," Roy said, "But what is 'Black Mold?'"

"A very dangerous substance that is kinda like mold," Ash explained, "But while you are under the influence of Black Mold you have a recurring nightmare of the worst moment of your life, and you don't age."

"That is scary," Thea said.

"If you are under the influence of Black Mold for more than 15 years you turn into 9th metal," Mon-El added.

"What is 9th metal?" Roy asked excitedly.

"It is rare on Earth, but not in the rest of the universe." Ash said, "It is really strong and hard to break."

"And you aren't it because the Black Mold was asleep for a while?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know how long I was in the Phantom Zone," Ash said.

"And the Phantom Zone is what now?" Roy asked.

"A place in space where time doesn't pass," Mon-El replied.

"Anyway," Ash said, "We need to find out how Del Dor got to this Earth and take him down."

"He might have gotten here the same way you two got here," Roy suggested.

"But we don't know how we got here," Mon-El said.

"We need to figure out how you got here then." Thea said, "Mike said that he was unconscious when you two got here, so it's up to you."

"I was running from CADMUS with Mike in my arms and I was running up and down buildings and yeah," Ash said.

"Did anything weird happen before you found yourself her?" Roy asked.

"Not really," Ash said, "Well I went through some glass and then found myself on this Earth."

Roy's eyes widened, "You went through glass?"

"Yeah," Ash said, "I guess that was weird and cool."

"It's totally cool!" Roy said.

"Calm down, Roy." Thea said smiling at her boyfriend, "Barry does that all the time."

"That's because he is a metahuman," Roy said, "But Ash is an alien. That makes it ten times cooler."

Thea laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey," Mon-El said, "No PDA."

Thea and Roy laughed as Ash looked confused and asked, "Whats 'PDA'?"

"Public Display of Affection." Roy laughed.

"I learned that one from Supergirl when one of her friends was kissing his girlfriend at the bar," Mon-El said. He thought about Winn and Lyra. They were really cute together like they were soulmates or something like that. He wished Kara was there with him.

Thea's phone suddenly buzzed, and she pulled it out. It was Oliver to the Team Arrow group text.

Everyone meet me at the Arrow Cave. Barry found something. - OQ

"What is it?" Roy asked.

"Oliver to Team Arrow." Thea replied, "I really need Ollie to take me off the group text since I'm not a part of it anymore."

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