Portals and Consequences

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Kara and Lena stepped into the room. It was large and empty, except for a portal in the middle of the room. "That's definitely a portal." Kara said in awe.

"So, now what do we do?" Lena asked.

"We wait and see what comes through the portal." Kara answered.

"And if nothing comes through?" Lena asked.

"We do nothing." Kara replied.

"So, all we do is wait?" Lena asked.

"You really know nothing about the portal do you?" Kara asked.

"No, I don't." Lena answered, "And it scares me."

"I thought you could never get scared?"

"I can get scared. I never show it."

"You are a tough person."

"Not really."

"Yes, you are. You are tough and brave and unafraid to show people you will do anything you can to take them down." Kara said forcefully.

"You put a lot of thought into that." Lena replied.

"I always put a lot of thought into how I can help my friends." Kara said as she turned back to the portal. "Anyways, back to the portal. We should put up cameras and monitors to monitor what happens, and so we don't have to be here until something happens."

"Smart." Lena said as Kara's phone rang.

"One moment, I have to take this. It's Alex." Kara said as she answered. "Hey, Alex."

"What the crap, Kara!" Alex said, "We told you not to help."

"I need to do something about it though." Kara replied, "I can't sit around doing nothing."

"That's all you can do right now." Alex said, "You are too close to Mon-El. You nearly killed the alien you beat up."

"I wasn't trying to. I want to know where 'Mike' is."

"Why did you call him 'Mike'?"

"I'm at L-Corp."

"Why are you at L-Corp?"

"Lena needed help with some stuff."

"You know she is the sister of Lex Luthor?" Alex replied, "And that Lex Luthor is Superman's worst enemy?"

"Alex." Kara said.

"Kara." Alex replied.

"You should probably get back to looking for 'Mike'." Kara said.

"I probably should." Alex said, "Just know if you beat up aliens again me and Hank will put you in a cell at the DEO."

"Good to know." Kara said thoughtfully, "Love you, Alex."

"Love you too." Alex replied. Kara hung up.

"From what I heard you are in trouble." Lena remarked.

"You have no idea." Kara said turning back to the portal again. "So, we should set up those monitors now."

"Yes, we should." Lena replied, "Let me show you where they are." Kara followed Lena out of the main room into a small-ish room. There were lots of old computers and cameras that looked dusty. "This is where we through the computers and cameras that are old and outdated. We don't like to throw things away, but we don't want them in the way either."

Kara and Lena were too busy to notice someone going through the portal. Someone neither of them would want to go through the portal.

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