Krypton and Daxam

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Mon-El's eyes widened, "Del Dor is alive?"

Ash looked at him, "How do you know about Del Dor?"

"Everyone knows about Del Dor and Hala Del-Dor." Mon-El replied, "Well everyone from Krypton and Daxam."

Ash hit Mon-El's arm and glared at him, "You mean from the place we are from."

"We know you're both aliens, Ash," Thea said.

"Yeah, and it's so cool that we know aliens," Roy added.

"Why did you tell them?" Ash nearly yelled at Mon-El.

"Ash," Mon-El said, "We're in a different universe than we thought we were."

"What do you mean?" Ash asked.

"The theory of the multiverse is true," Mon-El answered.

"Of course it is." Ash said, "How else would the House of El been able to know that Krypton was going to die."

"I'm confused," Roy said.

"They are talking about alien stuff." Thea replied, "I'm confused too, though. What is Krypton?"

Ash turned to Thea, "It's the planet I'm from."

"I thought that you and Mike were from the same planet?" Roy asked.

"No, of course not, our planet's hate each other," Mon-El said.

"If your planets hate each other why are you two working together?" Thea asked.

"Because I don't care about tradition if it's wrong," Ash said.

"And what about you, Mon-El?" Thea asked.

"Ash is different from other Kryptonians." Mon-El said, "She's not the first Kryptonian that has been kind to me, but she's the first one that immediately thought I was worth saving."

"Supergirl don't' think you were worth saving when she first met you?" Roy asked.

"She thought I was trying to kill the president," Mon-El answered.

"That's not a very good first impression," Thea commented.

"It wasn't." Mon-El thought about what Kara was doing right then. She probably was trying to find him, Alex would try to ground her and help her come to her senses. Kara would probably be yelling at Winn because he couldn't find him. Hank would probably be trying his best to help Alex ground Kara.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked Mon-El.

"Yeah, just thinking about all the people that are looking for me on our Earth," Mon-El replied.

"There's only one person that cared about me on that Earth, and he's probably dead." Ash said, "He helped me escape CADMUS."

"What was his name?" Mon-El asked.

"Jeremiah Danvers," Ash answered.

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