Where Do You Come From, Mon-El

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A/N: In this story, Evelyn never went bad.

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Thea looked at the flaming boxes to the unconscious girl on the ground. Mon-El stooped down and held Ash in his arms, he stroked her hair. "What the heck just happened?" Thea asked.

"I'm not sure," Mon-El replied, "But I think that someone she thought was dead is alive and is trying to contact her."

"But how did she hear something that no one else heard?" Roy asked.

"She has super hearing," Mon-el answered.

"And heat vision?" Roy looked at Mon-El with huge eyes.

"Yes," Mon-El replied, "She has the exact same powers as Supergirl and Superman."

"Who are Supergirl and Superman?" Thea asked.

Mon-El looked at Thea with surprised eyes. "I thought everyone knew of Superman. How can you not know who he is?"

"I've never heard of him," Thea replied, "I don't think anyone in Star City has heard of him."

"And you haven't heard of Supergirl either?" Mon-El looked at Thea and Roy as if they were aliens, "Supergirl is the hero of National City, and Superman is the hero of the world, but namely Metropolis."

"Metropolis is a trash city," Roy replied, "And no one cares about National City."

"Metropolis is a perfect city." Mon-El argued, "And National City is the best place on earth."

"They are both trashy places," Thea argued.

"I guess you would think the same about CatCo," Mon-El said.

"I've never even heard of CatCo," Thea replied.

"I'm going to put out the fire while you guys keep arguing." Roy said, neither of them listening, "Okay." He grabbed a fire extinguisher from the side of the room wondering why there was one and sprayed the fire till it was out.

"Have you ever heard of the Martian Manhunter?" Mon-El asked.

"Aliens don't exist," Thea replied, "This isn't some comic book."

"I know that this isn't a comic book," Mon-El argued, "He is real. Just as real as you and me."

"I bet you think that the president's a girl too?" Thea asked.

"Isn't she?" Mon-El asked confusedly.

"NO!" Thea insisted, "He is a man." Thea's phone suddenly dinged, Oliver had texted her about needing her at the Arrow Cave. "I have to go. This isn't over Mike."

"It's not over until you know I'm right," Mon-El replied.


Thea entered the Arrow Cave, she saw Barry standing by Felicity. "What are you doing here, Barry?"

"Oliver called me and asked me to help him investigate something about drones," Barry replied.

"He texted me and said that he needed me to come here," Thea said.

Oliver entered the Arrow Cave carrying a case. "Thank you for coming, Barry and Thea." He said setting down the case, "Here is the drone Barry."

"Why did you want me to come?" Thea asked.

"I was wondering if you would train Evelyn?" Oliver asked.

"You know that I don't do that anymore," Thea replied.

"I know," Oliver said, "But I was wondering if you would do it just this once?"

"Why can't you train her?" Thea asked.

"Because she isn't listening to me anymore." Oliver answered, "I'm hoping she'll listen to a woman that once did what she is doing."

Their conversation was interrupted by Barry yelling. "I did it!"

"You got in?" Felicity asked.

"Yep," Barry replied, "There's some sort of hard drive in it." He pulled it out with a hard yank.

"Let's see what's on it," Felicity said excitedly plugging it in.

A video pulled up on the screen of her computer. It showed a woman in a business dress with blue, water-like stuff floating in the background. Hello, my name is Lena Luthor of L-Corp. This is a message for Barry Allen if he is alive. Kara says "Hi" by the way. Recently a portal has opened up in the middle of the 12th floor of L-Corp, Kara said that you were the expert on such things, but that you had gone through a portal yourself. I was wondering if you were still alive and if you could help me understand more about the portal. Thank you!

Everyone was silent when the video ended. Felicity broke the silence. "Who's Kara and how do you know her, Barry?"

"Kara is a friend of mine from another universe." Barry answered, "She is a superhero alien named Supergirl that protects National City in her universe. I accidentally traveled to her universe last year and she helped me get back."

"Wait," Thea said, "She is an alien named Supergirl that protects National City?"

"Yes," Barry replied, "In her universe, National City is a large businesses city. Kara works at a place named CatCo as the boss', Cat Grant, assistant."

"Is there another superhero named Superman that protects the world, but mainly Metropolis in her universe?" Thea asked.

"Yes," Barry said suspiciously, "How did you know that?"

"Nevermind how I know," Thea replied, "I'm sorry, but I need to go." Thea quickly left. She texted Roy, I think Mike is from another universe. Ask him if he knows about a Lena Luthor or a Kara.

Roy texted her back quickly, He knows both of them. What's going on Thea?

That's what I'm trying to figure out. Thea replied.


Poof! I'm alive and I haven't forgotten about this story! I'm really sorry for the really long delay on this chapter, life just enjoys being problematic. I can't say when I'm next posting because I don't even know.

Again, I'm really sorry I haven't posted this till now. I love you guys so much, you reading this makes my day, eve if you don't vote because truthfully that requires too much effort. Thank you so much for being okay with me not posting for a long time!

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