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Kara sat down on a bench in the park and looked at all the people. She saw boys playing frisbee with a large black dog. A couple having a picnic. Some teenagers playing soccer. A boy and his dad playing baseball. A couple taking a stroll. A young woman running with her dog by her side.

Kara's phone dinged that she had a text. She pulled her phone out of her purse; the text was from Lena. She opened the text.

Kara, L-Corp is holding a gala to donate money to the police department to help it with the increase of alien criminals. I was wondering if you would be CatCo's representative?

Looking over the text again Kara thought for a moment. Then she texted James. L-Corp is having a gala, and Lena invited me to be the representative for CatCo. Can I go?

James responded quickly. Of course you can, Kara. You are one of the only people she actually talks to. I'm sure Snapper will want an article about it as well.

Kara smiled as she read his text, she quickly texted Lena back. I would love to attend your gala. As would my boss. Kara looked out at the people again. Her eyes fell on the couple having a picnic. It reminded her of Mon-El. She smiled sadly as the man told a joke and the woman laughed. Her phone dinged, Kara had a text from an unknown number.

This is Kane, the professor has Intel he believes that you would want. When would you like to Meetup to talk about it?

Kara smiled before she texted back. Kane was always right to the point while Ken was a goofball. I am currently off work. I'm at the park sitting on a bench.

Kane respond quickly. I am on my way.

*       *        *       *

Kara saw Kane enter the park. She quickly stood and walked to him. "Ahh, Kara nice to see you." He said as she approached him.

"It nice to see you too Kane." Kara replied punching him in the shoulder.

"Playful as always." Kane smiled at her.

"What was it that the professor wanted you to tell me?" Kara asked him.

"Walk with me." Kane replied, "You know of Cadmus? Yes?"

"Of course." Kara answered.

"Well this has something to do with them." Kane said, "We recently discovered that Cadmus had been holding an alien hostage. A young alien, about thirteen."

Kara stopped walking, "Cadmus has been holding a thirteen-year-old kid hostage?"

"They don't have her any more, don't interrupt me." Kane replied, "About a month ago she escaped. About a day after she escaped she was caught by Cadmus again. It seems that she doesn't know what Earth is, or has spent little time on it, but that's the weird thing, we have evidence that Cadmus has been holding her for thirteen years."

"Wait," Kara said stopping Kane from telling the story, "Cadmus has had the kid since she was a baby?"

"It seems that way." Kane replied, "Now if you would stop interrupting me I would finish the story."

"Go on." Kara said sheepishly.

"Now as I was saying." Kane continued as if Kara hadn't interrupted him, "A man flew from the sky and saved her as they were about to take her prisoner again. While Cadmus was distracted with the man from the sky, it seems her eyes exploded. As if she was kryptonian and had just barely discovered heat vision, but I doubt that she is, and she attacked Cadmus."

Kara interrupted Kane again, "You say this was about a month ago?"

"Yes," He replied exasperatedly, Kane turned and saw the look on Kara's face, "What's so special about a month ago?"

"Well my boyfriend disappeared about a month ago." Kara replied her eyes misting over, "And the last thing I know happened to him was he stopped someone from attacking an alien, when the DEO checked out the scene they said someone had used heat vision on the humans they found there, killing them."

Kane's eyes widened understanding what she was saying. "You think the man from the sky was your boyfriend?" Kara nodded. "Well, anyway, can I continue the story?"

"Continue the story." Kara replied.

"Well, after all of Cadmus' men were dead, the girl ran off with the man from the sky. Where she took him we have no idea." Kane said finishing the story.

"So the professor wanted me to know Cadmus had a thirteen-year-old girl locked up in their basement her entire life?" Kara asked.

"Well, he wanted to know if you knew the man from the sky," Kane said looking at the boys playing frisbee with the dog, "But you obviously know him. What is his name and what planet is he from?"

"His name is Mon-El, and I'm not sure I should tell you what planet he is from." Kara replied.

"Mon-El you say?" Kane asked, "You can tell me everything, Kara."

"If I tell you where he is from then... I can't tell you where he is from." Kara replied adamantly.

"Well, if you insist." Kane said turning back to Kara, "One more thing before I leave. You must know, my parents were on Fort Rozz, and no one knows where they are, or what they are doing. Just a warning."

"Where are you going?" Kara asked.

"Back to work." Kane said giving Kara a quick hug, "Till we see each other again, Kara Zor-El."


I'm really sorry I haven't been able to post until now, life decided to be mean and rude and just not let me get on till now. Since I haven't been able to post till now I'm extending the contest to May 13th.

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