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Thea and Evelyn slowly went into the clock tower. "Should we split up and cover more ground?" Evelyn asked Thea.

"No," Thea responded, "If this is the place then it could be dangerous. We need to stick together to stay safe."

Evelyn nodded without argument, something she wouldn't have done if Oliver had been there.

Mon-El jumped to the top of the tower and went in through a stairwell on the top. He could hear Thea and the girl that was with her talking about something. Mon-El heard a noise coming from a little below him. He quietly snuck down the stairs to see what the noise was.

A man was watching Thea and her friend. The man had dark brown hair and was wearing a leather jumpsuit. He turned and Mon-El saw his face. He had dark brown eyes with a large scar going over his right eye. Mon-El recognized him from the wanted papers he had seen on Daxam. It was Del Dor, Ash's father.

Mon-El jumped down from his perch in front of Del Dor. His jump made a loud clang when he landed that Thea and Evelyn probably heard.

"Well that was loud," Del Dor said smugly, "I bet you didn't want to be heard."

Mon-El ignored what Del Dor said and lunged at him grabbing Del Dor's right hand and pulling it behind his back with one hand and using his other hand to put him in a chokehold. Together they tumbled across the floor, each trying to out power the other.

Del Dor flew into the air with Mon-El attached to his back hanging on for dear life. They crashed through the roof and rocketed into the sky. Mon-El saw a flash of blue light and passed out.

Thea and Evelyn watched in terror as Mon-El and Del Dor wrestled and then flew through the roof. "What was that?" Evelyn asked turning to Thea after Mon-El and Del Dor flew through the roof.

"I think that was someone saving our lives," Thea said eyes staring at the hole in the roof. "I need to go."

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