He's Feeling Insecure

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Louis: He didn't bother trying to hide it, as soon as you were in sight of him his body wrapped itself around yours, craving security. You kissed his shoulder while he buried himself even closer to you. "Not feeling well?" He nodded and you sighed to yourself. "You just wanna cuddle" You questioned,but he didn't have to respond, you knew he did. Taking his hand you lead him upstairs. The two of you slipped into your bed and your bodies moulded together. You scooted towards him being the big spoon and wrapping your arms around him. You gently played with his crazy brown hair, telling him all about your day until he was lulled to sleep. Knowing his troubles would be gone when he wakes up.

Niall: When he walks out of the bathroom, you could instantly tell he'd been crying. His baby blue eyes were red and puffy and as soon as your eyes met his you felt a pang in your chest knowing he was hurting inside. You knew he was trying his hardest to act strong in front of you, but it wouldn't work. He broke down, and wrapped his arms around you while burying his head in your face. You could feel the sleeve of your shirt getting damper by the second and his sobs echoed in the silent house. "I'm s-sorry...." He hiccuped but only get a hushing from you as you rubbed his back reassuringly. "It's alright, Ni. Let it out."

Louis: You knew something was wrong with Lou when he was forcing laughs and smiles. He had been uninterested in all conversations what so ever and his responses were vague. You were positive something was wrong. The TV was buzzing and is one of Louis' favourite shows which caused him to bust out in giggles, but that wasn't the case today. His once permanent smile had drooped and his lips were tightly pursed together. "Lou? I know somethings wrong. Stop hiding it." He exhaled deeply, turning to face you. "Now tell me all about it, so I can remind you of how great you are."

Zayn: He has a great poker face. He was totally discreet throughout the whole day. You knew something was up, you weren't stupid. You were downstairs when you had heard light sobs coming from upstairs. "Zayn?" You piped up,peeking your head through the door. His puffy red eyes met yours and you could instantly tell something bad was up. "You okay?" His gaze met yours and he couldn't lie to you anymore. "No, I'm not but don't worry. I'll be-" You cut him off. "Stop, Zayn just talk to me" You plead. He gave up and nodded, gesturing your arms out for a hug.

Liam: "Li, where are my keys?" You bellowed from downstairs. "I don't know?" he muttered. You shook your head he was being quiet all day. Going downstairs, you saw him sprawled on the couch poker face watching TV. "What's wrong? You've been quiet all day." He shrugged, not bothering to sneak a glance at you. "I don't know.." He muttered. Throwing your head back ,you groaned, fully aware something was up. You glanced at him before walking over and sitting on his lap. You slowly trailed your hand across his neck placing kisses on his jaw. "Whatever it is. I promise I can make you forget about it..."

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