If He Was A Disney Princess.. ;P

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Liam: Snow White. He's sweet,gentle and innocent. Even though he's gorgeous (fairest of them all), like Snow White, he doesn't show off. 

Harry: Cinderella. He's hard-working and creative. He also went from working in a bakery to being famous, just like Cinderella went from slaving away by her evil stepsisters to being a Princess! 

Niall: Mulan. He's strong, determined and gentle. He's not a fighter but if he has to be (or if he's defending you) he'll step up, just like Mulan. 

Louis: Belle. He's witty, sassy and smart, and he isn't afraid to fight for what he wants. Like Belle to the Beast, he isn't afraid to be assertive and try to get his way when need be. 

Zayn: Jasmine. Just like princess Jasmine he's tough on the outside but soft and sensitive on the inside. He's also one to stand for what he believes in. 

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