You're a Dancer And Hurt Yourself

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Louis: “Five, six, seven,eight…” And with that you started out your tap routine for what seemed to be the tenth time that night. Your recital was the following night and you were practicing non stop, making sure every move was precisely on time with the music. Only the sound of your tapping echoed through the dance study, you barely heard the music since you were so focused on your steps. You were doing a shuffle-hop-step that would lead you into your toe stand, sadly you lost focus for a second and next thing you knew, instead on standing on your toes you were on the floor. The door swung open and Louis came barging in. “Y/N, are you okay?!” He asked, concerned covering his usually care free face. “Lou, what are you doing here? You’re not suppose to pick me up for at least another half hour.” You asked, standing slowly while Louis kept an arm around you. “I’m glad I came here earlier, are you okay though?” “I’m fine, I just lost my focus.” You said flexing your ankle and wincing a bit. “Let’s go ice that just to make sure it’ll be ready for tomorrow.” “Bu-” “No buts, besides your solo is already perfect.” He said kissing your temple and leading you towards the exit and to his car.

Zayn:You were in your dance studio once again for the third time this week. You were part of your studios competition team and there were only two weeks left until nationals, only two weeks to perfect your contemporary solo piece. You adjusted your dance paws and started your routine from the beginning, before your grand jeté you had a two count glisade, but instead of landing on your supporting leg your grand jeté landed you on the floor. You just lay there on the floor not wanting to move, that is until you heard a rapping on the observation window. You saw Zayn mouthing something to you while flinging his arms all over the place, you slowly stood up and made your way towards the door to let him. “Y/N, are you alright? I got scared when you didn’t get up right away!” He exclaimed frantically. “Zayn, I’m fine. I just didn’t want to get up right away, I was trying to figure out what I did wrong that caused me to fall.” You said sheepishly, feeling guilty that you worried him so much. “For what I saw you were absolutely brilliant, but now I think we should head back to my flat so you could ice that leg.” He said while picking up your dance bag that was next to the door and leading you towards his car.

Niall: You entered the stage wearing your ballet costume for this years showcase. Your dance teacher decided to give you a solo ballet piece instead of your usual pas de deux for the showcase and you were more than thrill to. You adjusted your tutu and headed towards the center of the stage to start practicing before your teacher arrived to cue the lighting for your piece. You slowly took your place and prep to start doing your 32 Fouettés en tournant. All you had to do was spot precisely or else you would loose focus and stumble. You lost your spotting for less than a second and that’s all it took for you to stumble and fall to the ground. You quietly hissed while moving your ankle around hoping that it was just bruised and not sprained. You heard a clutter from the side of the stage and much to your surprise your boyfriend, Niall came rushing to your side. “Princess! I saw you fall, are you okay? Is it broken?” He asked quickly, checking your ankle while frowning, evidently worried for you. “It’s just slightly bruised Ni, but what are you doing here?” You asked confused at his sudden appearance. “You left your water bottle in the car and I didn’t notice til I got back to our flat.” “You’re too sweet, Niall. Thank you.” You said slowly standing up. “Are you sure you’re ready to dance Y/N?” He asked you while keeping an arm around you. “I think so, but just to make sure I’ll ice it until my teacher comes.” You said while Niall took your hand in his and led you to get some ice for your ankle.

Harry: Ah, the week before your dance recital. How you loved it. Not. It was basically hell week not only for you but for your fellow dancers. Everyone was running around perfecting their routines, adjusting their costumes and fighting for more stage time. You on the other hand had the studio to yourself since the class before you were marking their dance on stage, you were next so you took advantage of this empty studio to rehearse. You positioned yourself and started your dance, everything was going smoothly until your triple pirouette en cou-de-pied threw you off balance and landed you on the floor. You took off your Twyla’s and examined your foot, checking for bruising or swelling. You felt a pair of arms wrapped around you and you tensed up. “You scared me half to death when you fell, Y/N.” Harry said in a low voice, “What can I say? I just know how to build up the climax for this dance.” You said chuckling slightly, putting your Twyla back on and standing up. “Shouldn’t you ice that?” “It’s fine, besides I’m suppose to mark it on stage in a few. Speaking of, how did you get in here…?” You asked, raising an eyebrow and waiting for him to explain. “Well, Barbra the receptionist let me in! ” “You really should stop sweet talking the receptionists, Harry.” You said laughing at your boyfriend while you took place and started your routine once again.

Liam: Last night you had hurt your knee while practicing your dance solo, but with your dance competition being in just three days you couldn’t take time off so you went against Liam’s wishes of taking a day off and resting your knee, you were in the studio stretching. You made sure your knee brace was securely wrapped around your knee and began doing pliés, you winced slightly and you plié up but kept going, knowing that if you didn’t stretch before dancing you would only injured yourself more. Just as you went to grand battement to the side your knee pop and you stumble to the ground. You tried bending your knee slightly but the pain would not subdue, you heard the sound of the door clicking and instead of your dance teacher Liam came in holding an ice pack and your dance bag. “I had a small hunch that you wouldn’t take a day off.” He said frowning slightly once he saw that your knee was swelling up. “I should’ve listen to you…” You whispered, placing the ice pack on your knee while taking off your jazz shoes. “But you were stubborn, as always.” He said while kissing your forehead and helping you up. “C’me on let’s get you home and rest that knee properly.” He said while helping you up and leading you towards his car and heading home.

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