He's Whipped

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Louis: “Louis, I’m hungry. Can you make me something, please?” You asked your boyfriend of a year.
“Of course, love.” He smiled and got up, but before he walked into the kitchen, he gave you a gentle kiss on the lips. 
Louis had surprisingly gotten better at cooking. You didn’t know if he was taking classes or what, but you didn’t mind. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your door. You were about to get up to answer it when Louis shot out of the kitchen.
“I’ll get it, (y/n)!! You just relax!” He opened the door and behind it was Harry with groceries?
“Uh… What?” You started, but Louis dragged Harry into the kitchen. You being the curious person that you are decided to listen to their conversation.
“Harry, I don’t know what to make or what to do! Quick! Teach me how to make something fancy!” Louis whispered loudly.
“Calm down, mate. I’m sure she’ll be fine with anything you make her.” Harry consoled him.
“But what if I burn the food, and then our flat will catch on fire, and she’ll be seriously hurt!” Louis rambled. You couldn’t help but let a giggle slip. You were glad that they didn’t notice, but you weren’t expecting the next thing you were about to hear.
“You’re whipped, mate.”

Zayn: Ever since you broke your arm, Zayn has been very protective over you and wouldn’t let you lift a finger. By the way, your arm was healed seven months ago. 
Niall had come over to have dinner with you guys; since, he hasn’t properly hanged out with you and Zayn.
“Zayn, I can wash the dishes.” You said as you walked into the kitchen to see your boyfriend placing the dirty dishes into the sink.
“No, (y/n)! Would if the water burns you ,or worse, you cut yourself with a knife!!” His eyes were popping with emphasis with each word he said. Niall silently came in while observing the two of you.
“Zayn, it’s fine. I washed dishes before.” You walked up to the sink feeling Zayn’s eyes on you as you started washing the dishes.
“See! No injur.. OW!!!” You pulled your finger out from the sink, seeing your now bloody injury from one of the knives.
“(Gasp). I knew this would happen! Come on! We gotta treat it before it gets infected! And if it does, you’ll have no choice but to amputate it!!” Before you could protest, Zayn had carried you bridal style and ran to the bathroom to treat your minor wound.
“Pshhh. He’s whipped.” Niall commented before leaving your’s and Zayn’s flat.

Liam: The guys came over to your’s and Liam’s flat to play video games or whatever they do here. You were about to go out with your friends but couldn’t find your other hoop earring.
“Liiiiaaaammmm!!!” You called in a sing song tone. In less than twenty seconds, Liam came bursting through the door. 
“(Y/N), WHAT IS IT?!?! ARE YOU HURT?!?! ARE YOU SICK?!?!” Liam gently placed his hand on your forehead. “OH NO!!! YOUR HEAD’S HOT!!! I’M SO SORRY THAT I FORGOT TO BRING AN UMBRELLA WHEN WE WENT OUT FOR A WALK YESTERDAY!!! I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS GOING TO RAIN!!!” He looked really frustrated at himself. You rolled your eyes at his little “episode.”
“Liam, I’m fine. I just can’t find my other earring.” You showed him the hoop earring on your ear for emphasis.
“Oh… Hehe. Yeah, anything for you, (y/n).” He replied dreamily. Just then you heard loud footsteps pounding on the stairs.
“What happen!! Is everything ok?” “(Y/N), are you hurt?!?!” “We heard yelling!!” All the boys ran into the room asking us questions.
“(Y/N) lost one of her hoop earrings!! We have to find it!!” Liam shouted. The rest of the guys groaned. 
Realizing that they weren’t gonna help, Liam dashed out of the room in search of your earring. In less than two minutes, Liam had come back with your other hoop earring. “Here you go, sweetheart.” Liam kissed your smiling lips while the other boys groaned again. You forgot that they were still there.
“I never thought I see the day when one of us would be whipped for a girl.” Zayn commented while the other boys agreed then left the two of you alone.

Niall: “(Y/N)!!! Where are you?” You heard Niall call from downstairs. 
“I’m in the bedroom, Niall!” You groaned. You had recently caught the flu and were not feeling well at all. You heard footsteps outside the door and saw Niall walked in.
“Hey, wanna have a double date with Louis and Elea….. (y/n), what happened? Are you sick?!?!” You nodded and he ran right to your side. “Oh no this is bad!!! Would if this is a life or death situation?!?! Oh God!!! I can’t live without you!!!” Niall looked like he was on the verge of tears.
“Niall, I’m not going to die!” You said sternly.
“But you’re sick!!” He protested.
“Niall, I have the flu.” You coughed out the words. His eyes widen.
“OH NO!!! YOU NEED MEDICINE, BUT WE DON’T HAVE ANY!!! OH, I KNOW I’LL CALL LOUIS.” Niall pulled out his phone in a swift motion while you watch him with amusement in your eyes. “LOUIS, (Y/N) NEEDS MEDICINE!!!”
“Does that mean no mov…” Louis was cut off by Niall.
“(Y/N) HAS THE FLU!!! HURRY UP!!!” Niall hanged up on him. “I’LL MAKE YOU SOUP!!! JUST DON’T LEAVE THAT BED!!!” And with that, he dashed out.
“Well, it’s not like I was going to.” You remarked as if he was still there. You felt your eyelids getting heavy as exhaustion took over your body.
“Niall mate, I got medicine for (y/n)!” Louis entered into the flat you guys were sharing, but no one responded. “That’s odd.”
“Maybe they’re upstairs.” Eleanor suggested who just walked in. 
“Good idea, El.” They both went into your’s and Niall’s bedroom to see both of you asleep and cuddling. “(Sigh). He’s so whipped.” Louis and Eleanor left the medicine on a nearby table and left the flat.

Harry: You were visiting your parents for a week, and Harry was already missing you like crazy. He called you practically ten times a day and wouldn’t stop texting you. You thought it was cute the first day but now you find it a little annoying. 
*ring ring* “Hello.” You answered half asleep.
“(Y/N), I miss you sooo much. When are you coming back home?” Of course it was Harry.
“Well, considering it has been at least seven days, I say twelve hours.” You yawned.
“Were you sleeping!! Oh, I’m so sorry, kitten. I forgot about the time change!!! Please don’t be mad at me. I know how cranky you get when you don’t have your beauty sleep. Well, not that you needed it anyway; since, you’re already so beautiful.” He replied cheekily.
“I’m fine, Harry. Just let me sleep.” 
“Alright, I love you!!! I’ll be counting the minutes!!” He spoke half excited and sad that he had to hung up, but before he did, you heard Louis.
“Oh, thank G… Beep beep beep.” He obviously hung up. Great now I can sleep.
******twelve hours later*****
You were at the airport looking for Harry, but couldn’t find him anywhere. You sighed wondering where he can be.
“(Y/N)!!!!” You turned around, and Harry tackled you with a hug which you happily returned. You saw the other boys charging at you as well giving you a group hug.
“Hey!! Get off my girlfriend!!!” Harry shouted, but the other guys ignored him.
“Harry wouldn’t stop bugging us, (y/n)!” “He kept talking about you and wouldn’t shut up!!” “We’re so glad you’re back!!” The boys all exclaimed and Liam shook his head as he said, “Harry’s so whipped.” To which the rest of the guys agreed and Harry denied it saying he just missed you.

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