He Breaks Down During a Concert

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Liam: From backstage you peer through the curtains, watching Liam perform with concern. His grandma had passed away that morning and it hit him hard. However, the boys had had a show scheduled for tonight and he would not let down his fans, even though he felt like doing anything but performing. As soon as Moments begins to play, your heart sinks and the other boys look at Liam with concern. Moments. The song his grandma used to love, her favorite. The song he'd sing her at her bedside while she was sick. Liam takes a deep breath and holds the microphone to his lips. "Shut the door..." he trails off and shakes his head, lowering the microphone and completely losing it. Harry shoots his friend an understanding look and quickly picks up where Liam left off, taking Liam's parts. Niall wraps his arm around the brunette boy and leads him off the stage where you greet him, Niall giving you a sad smile before hurrying back on stage. They'd have to make up for Liam's absence vocally. "I...I couldn't do it, (Y/N)," Liam chokes out, his deep brown eyes filling with tears. You wrap him in a hug and rub his back in slow circles. "It's okay, Liam. It's okay," you coo softly. "I let down the fans..." he sniffs, shaking his head. "Liam, you absolutely did not. You didn't let anybody down, baby," you say softly, wiping a tear from his eye. 

Zayn: You watch the livestream that a fan has been doing of tonight's concert, curled up in your pajamas and snacking on popcorn. It was the last concert of the tour and you hadn't been able to go all the way to Miami, so you'd decided to watch a livestream. You watch the blurry screen with concern, noticing how Zayn looks a little off. Automatically, your mind floats back to the conversation you'd both had earlier. He was venting about how he cares too much what everyone thinks about him, how everyone keeps criticizing his weight, his tattoos...he seemed so fragile and delicate this morning over the phone, you wanted to help him but you didn't know how. You notice during More Than This he looks a little faint, Liam is watching him with concern and Louis walks over and whispers something in Zayn's ear, placing his arm gently on the Bradford boy's shoulder. Zayn shakes his head and raises the microphone to his lips, getting ready to sing for his part. But his legs shake and he falls forward, the Lilo pair catch him and hold him up, the fans gasping and screaming in shock and horror. From your seat behind the computer screen you gasp and your heart sinks, concern taking over your body. You watch as a group of people rush onto the stage and everything is blurry. Moments later your phone rings and you pick it up with shaking hands. "Zayn...he fainted...something about low blood sugar, God, he didn't eat anything all day I should've said something but he said he was okay...paramedics say he should be fine...." Liam's voice is thick with worry and you shake your head, making Liam promise to call back when he knows more. 

Harry: "Baby you light up," Harry sings, but he loses his breath and his voice cracks. His face falls as he continues, staying frozen in place. Liam shoots Harry a look filled with concern and Louis puts his arm around the curly-haired boy. "I fucked up! I fucked it up!" Harry holds the microphone away from his face and mumbles in Louis' ear, disappointed in himself. He could just see all the 'Harry Shit' and all kinds of things happening again. He's reminded of 'A Year In The Making', he's reminded of how many people he let down. "You were fine, Harry, it's okay," Louis says softly, patting the boys shoulder. The last song begins to play--I Want. Liam sings his part but he looks at Harry's pained expression and knows the green eyed boy won't be singing his verse soon. He shoots Zayn a look and Zayn nods, taking over Harry's part. The show ends with a very somber Harry and four very concerned boys. "Don't beat yourself up about it, Hazza," Liam says softly, patting the younger boy's shoulder. "You rocked it," Niall adds with a small smile. Harry nods, but he doesn't believe one word of it. You get a phone call from him not long after and you let him vent, comfort him and make him promise not to look up whatever harsh comments people have to say about him. Whenever he messes up, he's always distraught about it and you're always his best comfort. 

Louis: "Lots of lovely signs out there tonight!" Liam booms into the microphone, smiling at a #Niam sign and waving. "We've got some Niam, a rather suggestive sign about my Bradford Bad Boi," Louis laughs at a sign about Zayn and wraps his arm around the boy. "We've also got..." Louis looks to a sign right in front and freezes. The other boys follow his gaze and Niall gasps and Liam shakes his head with disgust. "We've got a rather nasty sign," Zayn growls into the microphone. Louis bites his lip so hard he could taste blood. Stay calm, he thinks to himself. But he doesn't listen. He raises his microphone to his lips and Harry goes to grab the older boy's shoulder to stop him, but Louis shakes him off. "So your sign says 'Louis come out of the closet already', right?" he says to the microphone, looking right at the girl holding it. "You know what? Do you know how many tweets and all kinds of crap I get every fucking day? People accusing me of being something I'm not?" Liam winces as Louis curses into the microphone, but none of the four go to stop him. "It's so frustrating having to prove myself and who I am to everyone! Being judged! And now even people coming to our shows accusing me of being gay? I've got a girlfriend!" Angry tears fill his eyes and he blinks them back, tossing his microphone onto the couch they'd used as a prop and storming offstage where you're waiting for him with open arms. "I shouldn't have done that," he says, shaking his head and wrapping you in his arms. "You were just standing up for yourself," you soothe, burying your face against his chest. 

Niall: The blonde looks out into the sea of fans and smiles, having another one of those moments. Those moments where he feels like he's dreaming, like he's the luckiest man on Earth. He sees you in the front row and his smile widens, his feeling of being in a dream grows stronger when he sees the amazing girl he's got. You smile up at him as Liam makes playful conversation and speaks to the fans. All of a sudden, though, as if it'd been planned before the show the whole audience begins to chant. "Let Niall sing! Let Niall sing!" You look at the sea of fans all chanting and frown, asking the girl next to you what's going on. "There was this whole twitition thing," the girl mumbles, before joining the crowd. The boys all look really confused, especially Niall. More than anything, though, Niall looks frustrated. "STOP!" he shouts into the microphone, sending everyone into stunned silence. Pause. "Stop with this 'Let Niall Sing' crap! I can stand up for myself. You guys treat me like I'm a little kid who can't speak for himself. Just like this 'Niall is insecure' garbage. You keep writing stories that everyone is convinced is real," the blonde says into the microphone, shaking his head sadly. "I don't even know anymore...I'm just so sick of everyone painting a picture of me and thinking I'm weak and defenseless and..." He doesn't finish, he merely passes Zayn his microphone and walks to the edge of the stage to where you are, hopping down and meeting you with a hug. "It's okay," you say softly, body guards quickly leading you two backstage and away from the fans who are grabbing for him. "It's not," he says softly, shaking his head. "I'm supposed to be carefree," he mumbles, brushing his hand over your cheek. "No one's carefree all the time," you reply, giving his hand a squeeze.

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