One of You is The Popular/Nerd of The School

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Louis: “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” you repeated, after running into two of the most popular girls in school; causing their books to fly everywhere. “If you’d just watch where you’re going!” “I’m sorry.” Once again the words fell from your lips, while you bent down to pick up all their books in a panic. “Here, let me get that.” You heard that voice, moments before a hand reached infront of you, and grabbed all the books off the ground. Turning your head to get a glimpse of who it was, you were shocked to see Louis; without a doubt the most popular kid in school. He handed the books to the other girls. “Um, thanks.” “It’s no problem,” Louis shrugged, as you stood to your feet, “Those 2 really overreact for a few books.” You swallowed hard, holding your own books tightly to your chest. “So what’s your name?” Louis asked, as he turned his back to the other 2 girls, who both looked greatly insulted. “Um, it’s um, [Y/N].” “I’m Louis, nice to meet you.”

Niall: “So you never really, well, you never really plan to tell anyone? Do you?” You questioned Niall, as the two of you sat curled together on his couch. “What do you mean?” He seemed so confused. “I mean, us. Your friends still don’t know, and it’s been months. Is it that bad to date me?” Niall turned his head to look at you, as you glanced down nervously. “[Y/N],” Niall started, gently lifted your head up to look in your eyes, “I just don’t know what they’d say to you. I think you’re amazing, you know that. My friends are jerks though.” “And I’m just the girl who hides behind books,” you sighed, feeling no confidence as you did. “The cute girl who hides behind books,” Niall corrected you, “And I don’t care if they know. I love you, that’s all that matters. Right?” You forced yourself to nod, “Mhm. I love you too.”

Harry: You sat at your kitchen table, face to face with another kid you hardly knew, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. “It’s Harry, right?” You asked, trying to think back to moments when his name had been called in class. “Yeah,” he nodded, “And I know you’re [Y/N].” You smiled softly, and looked down at your textbook. “So, we have only a week to finish this, and this is my worst subject,” you explained, while thinking about how grateful you were to be partnered with Harry; the one kid in class who truly cared to listen to the teacher. You may not have known much about him, but that you knew. “Do you plan to actually help?” Harry questioned, clearly not thinking you would. “Of course! I may not be the smartest in class, but I do try.” Harry shrugged, “I just assumed. Most of the popular kids don’t do much work.” You rolled your eyes at his comment, “Most of the smart kids don’t talk as much as you. So we aren’t what we seem. Who cares. Can we just get to work?” “Sure,” Harry answered, a smile finally making it’s way onto his face.

Liam: “His name is Liam,” you stated, as you saw Liam shoving books into his locker nervously. “He’s so weird,” your best friend said, also glancing in the direction of Liam, “I mean, you really said yes when he asked you to the dance?” “He’s kinda cute,” you shrugged, though you found him a lot cuter than ‘kinda.’ You watched as your best friend rolled her eyes, “I’m just shocked he had the guts to ask you. How many guys did?” “A couple,” you lied, not feeling like telling her that ten guys had already asked you; or that you had turned each of them down. “So you’re going for like what, pity? You’re brave. Because I doubt any other girl would. He never talks. He’s always so worried about school or something stupid, and he’s…” “Please shut up. I really do like Liam. Okay? So stop.” Her rudeness went away in a moment, “I’m sorry. You do? Well, he’s um, he’s different.”

Zayn: “We’ve known each other since we were 7,” you explained, as you were forced to sit next to Zayn, who was acting as if he had no idea who you were. “I know, I’ve noticed you, but we’ve never really met. You’re just [Y/N], the girl who talks to about 2 other kids in school.” “What’s the point of wasting my time on a bunch of stuck up jerks who don’t care about school?” Zayn seemed slightly hurt by your comment. “Sorry, I didn’t mean… I just mean, most kids are kind of rude here. You know?” “Yeah, I get it,” Zayn answered, though he never actually dealt with what you did. He was popular, extremely popular, and everyone loved him. “You know, if you gave people a chance,” Zayn slowly began, “You’d know that not everyone here is like that. We’re not all rude. At least, I’m not.” You tried to smile, but found it hard, “Well you’re odd.” “I’m going to take that as a good thing.” You rolled your eyes, but finally smiled, “It is.”

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