He's a Nerd-Part 4

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Zayn: "Y/N, I wouldn’t look now, but I think that dorky comic book kid is coming over here," Your friend’s voice was laced with amusement, a harsh snort vibrating from her throat. You frowned, tucking your book tighter into the crook of your elbow. You passed a curious glance down the hall, finding what she was talking about. Zayn was nervously shifting on his feet a few inches away from your locker, his thick rimmed glasses perched high on the bridge of his nose. "Do you need something?" You inquired sweetly, ignoring the grumbled protests from your friends. "I, uh, I just wanted to know if, uhm, you maybe wanted to, uh," He was stuttering nervously, tan cheeks flushing a dark shade of red. Dark eyes met yours as he finally mumbled out, "Do you maybe wanna go to prom with me?" Your body became rigid, which he apparently took as a bad sign, quickly covering with, "Of course, I know you probably have a date, being really pretty, and popular and all that, sorry for asking I’ll just go-" "Zayn," He bit his lip, dark chocolate eyes meeting yours. "Stop. Of course I’ll go with you."

Liam: "So, I heard that.." Your friends trailed off in a heated conversation about the latest prom pairings, clearly emitting their jealousy of the ones that had dates, as they were in the group that didn’t. Swallowing down a bitter laugh, you twirled the lock on your locker, pulling open the creaking metal door. You barely blinked as a folded up piece of paper fluttered to the ground, landing underneath your shoe. Probably just a scrap from a notebook. You deposited all of your supplies into the pit of your locker, slamming the door shut before anything else could slip out. With an exasperated sigh, you crouched down, sweeping the paper from underneath your shoe, unfolding it quickly. Scrawled out in neat, printed letters were the words; Will you go to prom with me? "What?" The note wasn’t signed. Confused, you peered over your shoulder, finding Liam, leaning against the far lockers. He coughed, scratching the back of his quickly reddening neck. "So will you?"

Niall: "You still don’t have a date yet?” You blinked at your friend, before dropping your chin to your chest in embarrassment. “I, uh,” Your cheeks flushed hotly, “No. Not yet. I don’t. I might just go alone you know..” She scoffed, slipping stray strands of hair behind her ear. “I can’t believe you’re thinking of going on your own.” You didn’t respond to her, ripping out a scratch piece of paper from your notebook to doodle on. Anything to get away from the subject of prom. “Alright class, let’s quiet down.” Your eyelids drooped heavily, cheek resting on your knuckles; the only barrier between the desk and your forehead. Suddenly, a tiny paper plane was soaring through the air, skidding to a stop on your desktop. Furrowing your eyebrows, you lifted away the folds of the paper, scanning the messy handwriting. Heard you didn’t have a date. I don’t either. Want to maybe go with me? Your neck snapped to the side, finding the nerdy boy sitting next to you, Niall, smiling hopefully at you. He was gnawing at his light pink lip, bright blue eyes widening. A soft smile spread over your lips, mouthing, “Yes."

Harry: Your fingers brushed over the binding of the book, stopping at the top to grip onto it and pull it out from the shelf. You thumbed into the middle pages, draping the open book across your flattened palms. Humming quietly, you turned on your heel, strolling back to your table. However, before you could even make it a few inches, you smacked straight into someone’s lean frame. You stumbled back a few paces, only to be caught by a massive hand wrapping around your upper arm. “I’m so sorry, love!” The deep tone sounding from above you was laced with genuine concern. “S’okay,” You mumbled, tilting your chin up to peer into a pair of frosty green eyes. The curly headed boy didn’t make an attempt to move, didn’t utter a word. “Uhm, did you need something?” You slipped from his grip, eyebrows arching. “Oh!” His cheeks flushed darkly, pulling his arm flat to his side, “I just, kind of wanted to ask you, and you don’t have to say yes or anything, but I wanted to know if, maybe you wanted to uhm go to prom with me?” You giggled at his cute rambling, nodding without much hesitation. “Of course.”

Louis: A large group of boys from various different sports teams had made a semi circle around your locker, extending to the other end of the hall. You cocked an eyebrow, hugging your books tighter to your chest, “Uhm, what’s wrong with you guys?” A small roar of snickers went up as one of them threw a much smaller boy into the middle of the circle. You recognized the stocky, shaggy haired, blue eyed boy, Louis. His whole face was a bright shade of red that was somehow growing darker, glasses falling messily from his nose. “He wants to ask you to prom, Y/N!” The group began laughing hysterically, only heightening Louis’ embarrassment. Frowning, you parted the boys standing beside you, meeting the small boy in the middle of the circle. “They ruined it now,” He stated flatly through gritted teeth, “it’s no use anymore.” You shook your head, reaching down to link your fingers with his. “Wait, where are you going, Y/N?”You smirked, tugging a stumbling and confused Louis with you. “Going to lunch with my prom date.”

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