You Get Jealous When A Famous Celeb Gives Him a Compliment

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Niall: "Oi! Check out this interview!" Louis shouts, calling you and Niall over to his laptop. "What?" Niall asks, sitting next to Louis and pulling you onto his lap."Demi Lovato mentioned you in an interview!" Louis explains, pressing play on the computer screen. "So, how do you feel about Irish cutie Niall Horan? I heard he used to have the hots for you?" the interviewer says. "Ha, yeah. He's a great guy. Really cute and funny. But he's got a girlfriend now," Demi replies uncomfortably. Your face falls and you automatically hop off of Niall's lap and walk to the kitchen. "(Y/N)--" Niall calls, jumping up and following you. "Thanks a lot for showing us that, Lou," Niall whispers to the older boy sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Louis just shrugs and raises an eyebrow. "(Y/N)!" Niall says again, watching you get a can of soda. "She likes you so much, you should just go get with her," you sniff, voice filled with jealousy. You already knew he totally liked her, now that she likes him back, what if he moves on? She can sing, she's gorgeous...and she's probably better than you. "Seriously? You think I would do that to you? I LOVE you," he says softly, wrapping you in a gentle hug. "I USED to like her. Key phrase being 'used to'." You look up at him, his blue eyes filled with honesty. "But-" you protest. "No buts. I love you, not her and that's that," he says, cutting you off with a kiss. 

Harry: "(Y/N) it must be amazing dating Harry Styles," the interviewer gushes, smiling at the green-eyed boy and at you. Harry squeezes your hand and winks. "But it must also be really difficult! So many girls are crushing on him--including some celebs!" You shrug and place your hand on Harry's knee. "For example, the stunning Jennifer Lopez tweeted the other day saying 'Harry Styles is the cutest thing! If only I was younger haha" How do you feel about that?" she reads from a paper, looking up at you with a raised eyebrow. You're instantly flooded with jealousy J-Lo complimenting your man, she's gorgeous! Plus, your ass is nothing compared to her! "Uh.." you mumble, unsure of what to say to that. "That's very nice of Jennifer to say," Harry butts in, saving you from embarrassment. "But (Y/N) is the only girl I've got my eyes on, no matter what celebrity's got their eyes on me." You look at Harry gratefully and he snakes his arm around your waist. "Aww! You two are cute!" the interviewer gushes, continuing on. "Thanks," you mouth to Harry when the interviewer's not looking. 

Louis: "Oh my GOSH! It's the One Direction boys!" Victoria Justice squeals, making her way over to you and the boys, pausing at you and Louis in particular. "Lewis! My favorite one of One Direction. You're even more handsome in person!" she chimes, placing her hand on Louis' arm. You shoot her an icy glare. Damn, her cheekbones are FLAWLESS. And she's touching your man. And she's probably prettier than you...but she can't even say his name right! "Aw, thank you. It's 'Louis', not Lewis, by the way," he says in a faux sweet tone. Victoria doesn't catch his slight sarcasm and she laughs flirtily. "Oh, and this is my lovely GIRLFRIEND, (Y/N)," Louis smiles, gesturing towards you. "Oh," Victoria offers a small smile. "Nice to meet you. Uh, so I'm going to go say hi to the other boys!" You both watch her scamper away and Louis raises an eyebrow in amusement. "Her cheekbones were too perfect, it was freaky," he whispers. You let out a small laugh and kiss his nose. "You're so sassy, I love you." 

Liam: "We've got a special video message for you, Liam Payne!" the interviewer points toward a screen and Liam looks at it with confusion, his hand resting on your knee. The other boys also watch the screen and then you feel your cheeks grow hot when Leona Lewis, Liam's celebrity crush pops up on the screen--looking as gorgeous as ever! "Hey Liam! It's Leona Lewis! This is a special message! I just wanted to say you and the boys are full of talent. You're adorable!" she says happily, waving a manicured hand. The screen clicks off and Liam is literally fangirling. You watch, happy that his favorite celebrity left him a sweet message, but totally jealous. Liam looks over at you and notices this, he squeezes your hand. "That's really kind of her to leave a message," he smiles. "It's nice to hear such good things from my old celebrity crush." The interviewer raises an eyebrow, as do you. "OLD celebrity crush..?" the interviewer mutters. "Well, yeah. She's gorgeous but I prefer (Y/N). She's even more beautiful," he says earnestly, kissing your forehead affectionately. 

Zayn: "Look! It's Megan Fox!" Zayn whispers in your ear, pointing to the gorgeous woman standing nearby at the movie premiere. "Oh, wow," you mumble, slightly jealous of how stunning she looks in her red gown. "She's even prettier in person," you muse. "She is," Zayn agrees, looking over at her and nodding. You shoot him a glare and he quickly blushes. "I mean, you're obviously prettier but..." Before he can finish Miss Fox herself is over and saying hello. "Finally get to meet you, Zayn! I've heard I was your celebrity crush," she purrs, smiling widely. "You're quite handsome yourself." You raise an eyebrow, intimidated by the stunning girl who's flirting with your man. "Oh, thank you," he says shyly. He quickly wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close. "My girlfriend agrees. This is (Y/N), isn't she stunning?" You look at Zayn with a smile and then shoot Megan a "ha-ha he's mine" expression. She smiles and nods in greeting before continuing around the premiere to talk to others. "You look way prettier than her, her thumb is weird looking. You have perfect hands," he whispers, his breathe tickling your ear. "Oh? Tell me more," you reply, leaning against this chest. "You've got perfect eyes and hair and a perfect nose..."

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