How He Reacts To You Telling Him He Was Your First Kiss

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Harry:  His eyes widen and he stares at you, waiting for you to say you were joking. “That’s weird…” he mumbled, leaning back a little in his chair. You laughed and asked, “What’s so weird about that?” He shrugged and gave you a smile, “It’s not babe. Just one question, how’d you get to be such a good kisser without any practice?”

Louis:  He laughs. You were caught off guard when he did, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, “What’s so funny?” He laughed again and shook his head, “Afraid I can’t say love.” “What do you mean you can’t say? Tell me Lou,” you pouted, hoping he would give in. He shook his head once again and kissed your forehead, “Sorry (Y/N) that’s not going to work.”

Liam:  He smiles sweetly at you and says, “That’s cute babe.” You returned the smile as he grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. “Some people call it pathetic,” you said with a laugh.” He shook his head, “I love it. It shows you don’t whore around.” Your eyes widened at his choice of words and you immediately laughed, making him join you as well.

Niall:  “So I was your first kiss?” he questioned, making sure he heard you right. You nodded as you cuddled closer to him on the couch. Looking up at him, you saw that he was already smiling at you. “What?” “I love the fact that no other guy has kissed you, or can kiss you like I can,” he said proudly. You can’t help but smile at him.

Zayn:  A smirk forms on his face and he pulls you closer to him. “That’s good,” he says as he wraps his arms around you. “And why is that Malik?” you asked. “You know how jealous I get (Y/N).” You laugh and nod in agreement. Although a jealous Zayn is a hot one, you’d rather have him happy. “And I like that I’m your first kiss. A lot,” he adds, leaning in to kiss you

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