He Tries To Be Romantic But It Backfires

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Niall: "Okay, ready?" Niall whispers, clothed in black. The other four boys nod, all wearing identical black beanies. "So we sneak into her flat, grab her, pretend to kidnap her, then I'm going to take her to the surprise party, okay?" The boys nod and Niall quietly slides open the window to your bedroom where you're sound asleep. Niall quickly blind folds you and the other four boys pick you up. You start screaming, thinking you're being kidnapped (which you kind of are). You start kicking your feet and punching at the air, because all you can see is the blackness from the blindfold. "HELP! HELP! HELP!" you shout. Suddenly you hear your father's voice. "What the fuck is going on?" Quickly you're set back down on the bed and someone unfolds your blindfold. Niall? "Uh," Niall looks at you and then your dad sheepishly as he explains his supposed-to-be-romantic plans. "Although that's super sweet and I appreciate you trying to be romantic, that plan was REALLY fucking stupid," you sigh and kiss his nose, the other four boys and your father standing to the side awkwardly. "I almost had a heart attack!" Niall nods. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. Now how about I drive you to your surprise party, which isn't much of a surprise anymore..." he mumbles. 

Zayn: "So, you're pretending you forgot her birthday?" Liam repeats Zayn's plan skeptically. "Yes. So then when I surprise her with her gift and a romantic candlelit dinner, she'll be REALLY surprised," Zayn nods happily. "This doesn't sound like a good idea," Harry warns. Zayn rolls his eyes and proceeds with his plan anyway. Little did he know, Harry was right. "Hey baby! Today is a very special daaaay," you sing into the phone. "Oh? Why's that?" Zayn says with a bored expression, giving the other boys a thumbs up to which they respond with an eye roll. "What? You know what today is..." you mumble into the phone. "No...it's Tuesday?" he replies. "Seriously? How could you...how could you forget my birthday? You know how much it means to me, I've been reminding you and...." you sniff into the phone, feeling extremely hurt. "You know what, don't even talk to me. Thanks for ruining my birthday." And with that, you hang up the phone and Zayn sighs, smashing his head against the sofa. "Plan backfired?" Niall asks, not all that surprised. "Yup," Zayn replies simply. Liam hands Zayn his phone. "Call her back and explain." Zayn takes the phone reluctantly and after calling you 27 times, you finally pick up. "What do you want now? Want to further ruin my birthday?" you snap. He explains his whole plan and you laugh despite yourself. "Zayn, how could you think that would end well? You know, for someone who's so smart, you do some silly things," you tell him. "I know, I know," he laughs into the phone. "So, that candlelit dinner. Tonight, at 8?" You smile and agree before hanging up the phone. Oh, Zayn... 

Harry: "Aw, this is so sweet," you hang your jacket on the coat rack as you're welcomed home with the smell of a delicious home cooked meal. "Glad you like it! I've been working on it all day, I made chicken and mashed potatoes and green beans and pineapple upside down cake for dessert," he says proudly, gesturing towards to professional looking plates set on the table with a candle in between. "I haven't cooked in a while, hope it's good." You smile as you plop down in the chair and eye the plate hungrily. "Well, it certainly looks and smells good, I'm sure it tastes amazing." You take a bite of the chicken and it does in fact taste as good as it looks. But a few bites later, you feel woozy and hives start to form on your face. "Oh my GOD! Are you okay?" Harry jumps out of his chair and looks at your red face with concern. "Harry," you choke out. "What's in the chicken?" He ponders this, worry flashing across his face. "Um..salt, pepper, oregano, parsley, rosemar-" You cut him off. "ROSEMARY? Harry, I'm allergic to rosemary," you cough. "Shit! Aw, I forgot! I'm so sorry," he wraps you in a hug and you sigh. "It's okay," you say softly. "The hives will go away soon, I'm just going to go lie down." He nods and tosses the rest of the chicken in the garbage, looking disappointed in himself. "Hey, you didn't know," you tell him gently, placing your hand on his shoulder. "Don't throw out the cake, though, I'd still like to have some later. It looks delicious." He half-smiles and nods. "Sure thing. Sorry, again...I'm never using rosemary every again. Promise." 

Liam: "This looks so romantic! She's going to love it," Liam mumbles to himself happily, lighting one last candle in the flat. He'd bought dozens of tiny white candles leading from the doorway to the apartment to the kitchen, where he'd set up a romantic dinner for your anniversary. He checks his watch, you should be here in a few minutes. He puts the lighter back in the kitchen and adjusts his hair in the mirror. Perfect. But eight minutes later, you aren't greeted by romantic candles...you're greeted by a horrified looking Liam and part of your living room nearly burnt down. "What the...? Are you okay?" you quickly run over and wrap Liam in a hug. He looks at you sadly. "I'm fine...I was just trying to be romantic with some candles and um...one of them tipped over and kind set the sofa on fire and..." he holds up a fire extinguisher and shrugs. "Aw, Li, that's really adorable," you mumble kissing his cheek. "Sorry about the sofa...it kind of, uh, burnt..." he adds. "Don't worry about it," you reply. "So, you still want to have a romantic dinner? We can just go to a restaurant," he says with a half-smile. "Sounds great," you reply, looping your arm through his. 

Louis: "Okay everybody, ready?" Louis whispers to the crowd of your family and friends, his hand on the doorknob to your flat. After you got a big promotion at work, he'd flown out your entire family and your closest friends as a sort of congratulations surprise and they were all gathered outside your flat. You had no idea! "1...2..." he whispers, then slides his key in the door and pulls it open. "SURPRISE!" he shouts, along with your family and friends. You look over at them wide-eyed and scream, dropping the towel that had been clutched around you. You'd just gotten out of the shower and were wearing only a towel, not suspecting any surprise visits in your flat. They all gasp and your face goes read as you quickly hold the towel back in front of you, horrifically embarrassed. "Um...surprise?" Louis offers nervously with a small smile. "Uh..surprise indeed, um," you turn on your heel and run to your bedroom to get some clothes on, not even acknowledging anyone else. "(Y/N)! I'm sorry!" Louis follows after you and you shake your head. "Lou, look, it was really sweet and all..." you slide your shirt on over your head and sigh. "But how am I supposed to look them all in the eye ever again? Christ! They all just saw me in my birthday suit!" Louis bites his lip and plops down on your bed. "Guess this whole plan to be sweet and romantic backfired." You nod and decide to just forget this whole ordeal ever happened and to greet your friends and family like normal. "Backfire it did."

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