You and Him Host a Game Night With The Boys

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Zayn : "It's safe to say Zayn kicks ass as Pictionary," Harry says after a moment, watching Zayn carefully draw. He's certainly got the most artistic talent of the six of you. "A dinosaur!" you guess, watching him sketch an outline. "Yep!" he smiles and gives you a high five, Liam adjusts the score (being kept on a napkin). "Wow. So (Y/N) and Zayn are winning by a lot," he reads off. Zayn gives you a quick kiss, the two of you nodding proudly. "Niall and I's team are in second place. Team Niam!" Liam whoops, giving Niall a fist bump. "And Team Larry Stylinson. Well, you two suck," he says bluntly, shaking his head. Louis wraps his arm around Harry and leans on his shoulder. "We're better at other things, hands like these were not meant for drawing," Louis says rather suggestively, waving his hands in the air. Ooh la la! 

Louis: "I own all of these! I am the ruler of Monopoly and you are all my peasants!" Louis exclaims, happily placing a house on yet another property on the board. "Hey! Do not call me a peasant," you admonish, kicking him lightly with your toe. "Fine, you're my queen and I am the king. I kick ass at this game," he laughs, rolling the dice. "Lucky this isn't real life," Niall laughs, waving his sparse Monopoly money in the air. "I second that," Zayn comments, frowning at his mortgaged properties. "You guys all wasted your cash, I spent mine wisely," Liam smiles at his neatly stacked pile of colorful money. "Mr.Sensible," you tease, giving him smile. "Ooh! Look who just landed on Boardwalk! I'll take it! Here's some dolla dolla bills," he hands Harry (who'd been declared banker) a wad of colorful cash with flourish, causing everyone to laugh and Harry to roll his eyes with a grin. 

Harry: "I'm going to vomit!" you exclaim, scrunching up your nose. After you and Harry had decided to host a game night, Twister was automatically dug out from the closet. Liam had decided to opt out of the first round and be the designated spinner. "Louis' feet are by my face and I'm going to vomit!" Louis laughs and wiggles his toes, leaning over Niall. You were playing twister with 4/5 of One Direction, Zayn's arm was brushing against yours and Harry's face was near your side. The only problem was Louis' smelly feet near your face, yuck! "I'm so sorry," Harry laughs, giving you an apologetic smile. "We have to share a tour bus with Lou and his stinky feet all the time! Now you know how it feels!" Niall teases, adjusting his hand on the blue circle. "Left foot yellow!" Liam calls out, causing everyone to shift. "AHH, SHIT!" Niall yelps, toppling over on top of Louis, causing you to topple over onto Harry and Harry to topple over onto Zayn. "Looks like a tie, you all fail," Liam laughs, setting the spinner on the couch. "Who's up for round two?" 

Niall: "What the heck are you supposed to be?" Zayn inquires, watching Niall making rapid motions and gestures. This game of charades certainly was interesting, the boys certainly were not good actors (have you seen iCarly), so you weren't sure why you'd thought they'd be good at charades. "Niall, are you a stripper?" Louis guesses, causing Niall to shake his head and laugh. "Are you a walrus with a toothache?" you call out, making the blonde laugh harder. "Are you Harry after he's had too much to drink?" Liam jokes, causing Harry to elbow the older boy and grin. "Are you a penis?" Louis calls out, causing you all to burst into laughter. "No! You all suck!" Niall exclaims, crossing his arms. "I'm supposed to be a cat!" You and the other four stare at him wide-eyed. "Niall, what the fuck kind of cat was that? A drunken cat?" Zayn teases, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, so-rry! I'm not meant for Charades," Niall retorts, giving a shrug. "(Y/N)'s turn!" 

Liam: "I can't believe we found Bingo in the closet," you muse, looking down at your board. "I can't believe we're actually playing it!" Liam exclaims, extracting a Bingo ball from the tiny pail. "B9," he announces, you and Zayn mark off a square and look up. "I can't believe I'm actually playing this," Niall looks at his board and smiles, shaking his head in disbelief. "Six sexy young adults playing Bingo on a Friday night, hardcore," Harry jokes, tapping his Bingo board. "I feel like an old person," Zayn muses, as Liam calls out another number. "Bingo! That's right!" Louis jumps up and starts doing a little dance, invoking laughter from everyone. "I win! Oh yeah! Sucks to suck!" Liam gives you a small smile and shrugs, the two of you certainly liked having game nights with the boys. It was a change from the loud parties and crazy concerts.

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