Mark My Words,I'll Change Him For The Better

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You watched as Percy stared at his mom like she was crazy.She gave him a stern look but he didnt seem to notice,or if he did he didnt care.

"Mom,I'm not having her follow me around."he finally said.

"She wont 'follow' you around.I just want you two to spend some time this summer together."his mom corrected.

Your mom,who was watching the whole conversation with your dad patiently,spoke up,"Y/n,needs to get out of the house anyway.She needs some friends."

Your face burned slightly while Percy's showed slight amusement.

"Will you just consider this for me?It will be good for both of you."his mom said and he became silent.He looked at you carefully,probably contemplating the idea in his head.After a few quiet moments a smirk played on his lips.

"Fine."he said.His mom smiled and went back to happily talking to your parents while you just glared at Percy.He gave you a wink,causing your anger to rise higher.

'Annoying moron.'You thought to yourself,'at least I'm being paid for this.'


After dinner,the adults went into the living room.Miss Jackson told Percy to keep you company so now there you were,sitting on the edge of his bed while he played his phone.

You looked around his room.It was messy and unkept and to anyone's surprise,smelled like vanilla and cologne.Odd,was the only word that came to mind.You glanced over at Percy who was still playing his phone while sitting on a bean bag he had in the corner of his room.

'What a host...'you thought,rolling your eyes.Something soon after rubbed up against your back causing you to scream and jump back from the bed.

Percy accidentally dropped his phone when you yelled and it landed on the floor with a horrible cracking sound,"What the fuck?"he half yelled at you as he stood up and grabbed his phone.

You turned around quickly,"S-something touched me."you said,looking back towards the bed.

"Clearly not a guy."Percy muttered and walked towards where you were sitting.You watched as he picked up a long-haired grey cat.As soon as he held it,it started purring.

"Oh..."was all you said and Percy just shook his head.

"Princess,meet Tyron,my cat."he introduced you to the cat with an annoyed tone.Undersandable though because you had just broken his phone on accident.

You looked at the cat before gently petting its head,hearing it pur louder,"Cute."

Percy sat Tyron down on the bed before examining his phone.You glanced at it and noticed that a large crack was now straight down the middle of the screen.

"Sorry..."you said quietly.He turned to face you before glancing back at his phone.

"Yeah that'll fix it."he said sarcastically,sitting his phone on his nightstand.

"No but it makes my conscience feel better."you joked,laughing quietly to yourself.He just arched a brow at you before siting down on his bed beside Tyron.

"One summer then she'll be gone,buddy."he commented as he let Tyron play with his fingers.

"Hey,you agreed to it."you pointed out,standing in front of him.

He looked up at you and smirked,"I did,didnt I Princess?"

You groaned,"Stop calling me that."you demanded and he pulled his hand away from Tyron and grabbed both of yours.He pulled you closer to him so you stood between his legs.

"Why?You dont like it..."he paused,"Princess?"

Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as your face burned slighty.You looked down at his face,his shining sea green eyes mischievously watching you,"N-no...I dont."you managed to say,pulling away from him.

He just chuckled,"You're too much fun for me to have said no."he said as he walked to his bedroom door."Cute blush by the way."he said as he passed by you.

You clenched your fists as he left the room,"Mark my words,Tyron.I will change this idiot for the better."you said,watching Tyron jump off the bed,following Percy.


You went home with your parents around seven in the evening.You spent three hours over at the Jacksons and nearly two of those hours with Percy alone.Way too much time together in your opinion.Sadly,this is how it would be when summer arrives in a week.You'll be stuck practically babysitting the school's bad boy,how fun.

You walked up to your room,trying not to fall down the stairs as you read your book.You finally made it to your bed,just as you finished the last chapter of (last book you read).You sat the book down on your bookshelf by your bed before grabbing the next one.See this was your summer plans until Miss Jackson asked for you to help Percy.

'Since when did you become a dog trainer?What was this,obedience school?'you complained inside your head as you started your book.

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