You'll Regret It

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You couldn't think straight all last night.Your mind raced faster then lightning.So the next morning,you called Bianca.You needed your personal therapist.

You sat still on your bed,in a cross leg fashion,as you waited for Bianca to pick up the phone.After a second try at calling,you heard someone answer.

"Hey,Y/n."Nico's voice came through the phone.

"Oh,hi where's Bianca?"you asked.

"Bathroom."he answered plainly and you both sat in a dead silence for a solid minute."Here she is."he commented before you finally heard Bianca's voice.

"Hi,Y/n."she greeted.

"Hi,Bianca.Hey I need to ask you something."

"Fire away."she said.

"So,Percy left about two weeks agotp a friend's house;a week after that arguement we had,and hasnt talked to me since...he said he didnt want to bother me anymore.What do I do?"you asked.

Bianca was quiet for a second and you feared she had left."Y/N?"


"Do you like him?"she asked and you nearly dropped your phone.

"Why would you ask that?"you asked,slightly panicked.

"She didnt say no."you heard her say quietly.Louder she continued,"Because you've never worried about him ignoring you in the past.Why would you now?Especially after seeing him for half the summer."

You didnt know what to say but naturally denied it,"That's not why."

"Whatever you say.If not then dont worry about it."

"But what if something is wrong with him?"

"Listen Y/n,if you are so worried about him,why dont you go visit him?"she said.You heard Nico say something in the background,but werent sure what he said.

"But if he doesnt want me around,then I will have gone all that way for nothing."you commented before sighing.

"Give it a try,Y/n.If you are worried about him then go see him."

"Okay."you said.

"Oh and Y/n?"she said before you hung up.


"If you dont admit it,you'll regret it."she said,then hung up.

You looked at the phone as if it were her,making a confused face.It finally made sense and you felt your cheeks burn.

'I dont like him.'you thought to yourself.

You weren't going to admit Bianca's words,but you did take her advice.You figured that the only way to relax on the situation with Percy was to go see him in person.So,with closure in mind,you had talked to a few people from your school and found out where Grover lived.Your parents were out so it left you with about three hours to go see Percy,and with him only thirty minutes away,you had plenty of time to get the answers you wanted.

You borrowed your mom's car and headed out.The drive was silent and ominous in the fact that Grover's house was in the woods on some back roads;so naturally there wasn't a lot of activity.You made it to a small wood cabin around two in the afternoon.The place seemed quiet and calm.

You hadn't noticed anyone as you got out of the car,it was only when you walked to the front porch did you hear a voice.

"Hello."a voice behind you said,startling you.You twirled around quickly to face the owner of the voice.The guy had curly reddish brown hair,freckles sprayed on his face,and a small shaggy goatee.He wore a green shirt,old blue jeans,sneakers,and a grey and orange beanie.He looked like he belonged here,like he fit right in.

Fixing the Bad Boy{Persues Jackson}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora