Blondes and Beaches

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Could two people ever sit so close that they looked glued to each other?Well if such a thing was possible,Annabeth made it happen.She and Percy sat so close to each other that they could be mistaken as one person.Percy looked beyond uncomfortable,and his eyes looked as if they begged you to ask him instead to sit with you;while Annabeth on the other hand,looked content with her position.Knee to knee,shoulder touching shoulder,not even a crowbar could split them apart.

You licked your ice cream mindlessly as you watched Annabeth repeatedly flirt with Percy.He ignored her for the most part,eating his ice cream while focusing his attention outside the window.

"So..."you said,trying to find something to say.Annabeth's glare shot to you."Percy..."you said,looking away from her.

He looked over at you with a raised brow,"Yeah Princess?"he asked and you could almost feel the knives Annabeth wanted to stab in you.

"Princess?"Annabeth commented.

"Yeah its what I call her.Anyway,what is it?"Percy asked.

"Uh...where are we going after this?"You said in a quiet voice.Annabeth's glare made you feel above and beyond uncomfortable.

"Its a surprise."he said,a small smile falling on his lips.As soon as it was there though,it was gone.

"Can I come along?"Annabeth requested.Percy sighed and thankfully shook his head.

"No,its Y/n's surprise.Maybe another time."he trailed off the last part as if he hoped she wouldn't hear it.Her face grew dark but she nodded as she stood up.

"Well alright then.Thanks for ice cream.See you later Percy...and Y/n."she said your name as if it was laced in poison.With that,she walked away.

"Finally,shes gone."Percy breathed out as he watched her leave."She never shuts up."

"Yeah..."you said,looking from the window to Percy.His attention slowly turned back to you,his sea green eyes looked focused."W-what?"

"She hates you.Why?"he asked,his eyes never moving.

"Why do you assume that?"you replied,trying hard to sound like you werent aware of that.

"Because I can hear it in her voice and the way she looks at you.So when will you tell me why she acts like that?"he persisted the same question again.

You sighed,"Percy,I said dr-"

He cut you off,"I cant.Shes going to follow me around;you and I are stuck together all summer so I might as well know why."

He was serious.Dead serious with eyes that appeared as if they could break you if they watched you long enough.It was alot of pressure and unwillingly,you snapped,"Fine..."you grumbled and he smiled.

"Finally.So what happened?"

"Annabeth used to be my bully in middle school.She hated me because you followed me around, while she had a massive crush on you."you stated and Percy remained quiet.

Silence that felt as though it dragged through time,until he eventually spoke,"Thats why?She hates you because of me?"

"Yeah...she didnt always,it was just around middle school."you said,noticing how Percy's eyebrows seemed to have knit together.

"Thats really stupid."he said.

"Yeah but its reality."

"Well she needs to grow up.Its been years since middle school and Im not interested in her."he pointed out.

"Have fun telling her that."you mumbled.

Percy had stood up by now,and glanced down at you,"Are you-tell me,my princess isnt afraid of that brat?"

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