Same Time Tomorrow,Sweetheart

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"You have got to be kidding me."you muttered.You glared ahead at the person sitting at your desk:Percy.He had his feet propped up on the desk and was leaning back in the seat.He was talking to Nico Di Angelo.Well 'talking' wasnt quiet the word.See Nico is the school's quiet kid;he reads and listens to music instead of playing sports or,ya know,socializing.Although you werent very close friends with him,you were good friends with his twin sister,Bianca.

Nico's attention was on the book in his hands and you weren't sure if Percy noticed how Nico had his heasphones in or not.You took a deep breathe and walked towards your desk,luckily catching Percy's attention.

"Ah there's my princess."Percy said,a smirk etched on his lips.

"Cram it,Jackson."you said,shoving his feet off your desk.

He rolled his eyes,"Damn,I'm hurt."he said.

"Get up."

He stared at you with a clearly amused expression on his face.He pursed his lips slightly as if in faux thought,"Hm,no I think I'm good."

You sighed and walked behind him.He looked at you skeptically as you grabbed the back of his chair and dragged him to the desk behind you.

"Brute strength much,Y/n?"he laughed and you just pulled the other chair back o your desk.

You sat down and within mere seconds you heard him stand up behind you.He walked over and tapped Nico on the shoulder.Nico ignored Percy completely,like he hadnt even noticed him.Percy frowned and looked over at you.

"Is he always like this?"he asked.

You nodded,"Always.Now go sit down."you said and Percy just stared at you.

It was an odd like stare-off before Percy sat on your lap.Like he acted as if your lap was just the desk chair.You groaned and tried shoving him in the back.

"You're crushing my thighs.Get off me you fat-ass."you muttered through gritted teeth angrily.

Percy chuckled and grabbed both your hands from his back,wrapping them around his waist."Look this seat comes with a seatbelt."

Just then your teacher came in and stared at both of you.She looked from you to Percy and just arched a brow.

'Please Miss Aphrodite,get him off me.'

"Would the love birds mind putting some space between each other?"Miss Aphrodite asked.

Your face burned as Percy stood up."Sorry.Cant keep my hands to myself...well ass in this case."he said and winked at you.You bit your lip as he sat down opposite of Nico beside you.

The rest of the lesson was just as painful.Percy kept tossing paper at you and trying to talk to you.At one point he tossed an eraser at you,that ended up passing you and hitting Nico in the side of his face.

After ELA class was finished,you got text from your mom telling you that Percy was driving you home.So maybe she wanted you to die early?Percy followed you out of class and outside as well.He was like a lost puppy;a leather-covered,hair-dyed puppy.

"Cars over there."he said from beside you.You followed your gaze to where he was pointing.About twenty feet away was a black Dodger.It looked new and well kept,for the most part.

"Nice car...steal it?"you asked,walking up to the passenger door.

He chuckled,opening the driver's door."Sorry to burst your bubble,Princess,but Im not a thief"

You both got in the car and the first thing you noticed was the smell.It smelled like Percy's cologne mixed with the smell of coffee.It was oddly pleasant but really strange and you couldnt locate the source of the aroma.

Percy must have noticed your aces you were making,"Whats wrong now?"

"Where's that smell coming from?"you asked.

Percy gestured to his body,"I've smelled like this all day,babe."

You shook your head,ignoring his nickname,"No,the coffee smell."

He made an 'O' shape with his lips and pointed thumb in the direction of the backseat,"I spilt coffee on my jacket back there."

You nodded and faced the front of the car.Percy started the Dodger and although you were braced for instant death,he pulled out in a uncharacteristically graceful movement.The car ride from school to your neighborhood was quiet.Really quiet and uncomfortably awkward.Percy had music playing but it wasnt anything you've ever listened to.

When you reached your neighborhood,he pulled into his driveway.You were slightly confused since he was supposed to drop you off at home.

"See you tomorrow,Princess."he said as he unbuckled and got out of his car.You followed suit.

"You were supposed to drive me home."you stated and he looked at you.He pointed to your house.

"There it is.Have fun walking the extra fifty feet."he rolled his eyes and walked by you to his front door.

"Rude bitch."you muttered.Apparently you were louder then you thought or Percy has fantastic hearing.

"Oh Princess,"he said,turning around on his heels and strutting back over to you.

'He struts like a peacock...'you randomly thought.

"What was it you said?"he asked,invading your personal space by forcing you to back up into the Dodger.He placed his arms on both sides of you on the car.

You bit your lip,trying not to blush.He keeps making you nervous.

'Not because I like him,because I dont like anyone this close to me.'you thought to yourself.

"I said you're...a rude bitch."you repeated and he slowly shook his head.

"That wasnt very nice..."he said,his voice getting queiter.He moved his hands to your waist,making you squirm.His gripped tightened under your movement and his eyes looked as if they sparkled with mischief.Percy moved his lips close to your ear.

"Something tells me,we are gonna have alot of fun this summer."he whispered.

You felt your cheeks burn and him laugh.His hot breath against your ear as he pulled away,"You're too cute,Y/n."he pulled his hands away before walking back to his front door.

"Same time tomorrow,sweetheart."he yelled back over his shoulder before going inside his house.

"I hate this much."you muttered,walking towards your house.

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