Fixing The Bad Boy

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You happily spent all summer with Percy.He changed,but not in a bad way.Percy became the gentleman his mother wanted while staying attached to his bad boy aura and appearance.You never changed though,and neither did your feelings for Percy.You made it up in your mind that he was the last person you'd ever fall for;he was the only person you wanted to be with.

Eventually it was time to go to college,but you delayed a year.You wanted to stay around while Percy redid his last year of highschool for higher credits to graduate.While he studied,you took a job as a barista in a near by coffee shop.

Even though you had waited for Percy,you two didnt go to the same college.Instead of seeing each other during the school year,you traveled together during summer break.For the other eight months you were apart,you kept in contact; your faith in each other kept you from the fear of losing the other.

Career wise,you chose (dream/future job) while Percy became a Greek Mythology professor(he does Greek museum tours and studies relating to the Greek gods and mythological beliefs.)It was a surprise to you when you found out about Percy's degree, but you were glad he found something he was genuinely interested in and incredibly talented at too.

Soon the years passed and you both graduated;you were spending your first summer away from school with Percy.He had taken you on a surprise trip for the summer,meaning you weren't allowed to know any of the locations you two would be visiting.You went to Greece(mostly because of Percy's first job opportunity,but it still turned out to be fun),London,Tokyo,and now you two were on the beaches of Hawaii.The weather always seemed to be nice,regardless of where you went(which shocked you as you walked down the streets on a clear day in London.)Percy always had something planned for the two of you each week in each city,like he had everything taken care of and set.His dedication to this one summer vacation was un measurable.

As sad as it was,you were on your last day in Hawaii.It was one week before summer ended and you and Percy go back to New York(you two planned on renting an apartment together.)You sat quietly on the beach with Percy,watching the sunset.Percy had his arm wrapped around your shoulder as his other hand chucked seashells towards the ocean.

"You'll end up hitting someome by accident."you joked as Percy tossed seashell towards the waters.

Percy scoffed,"No one else is around.I wont hit anyone."

He picked up another shell but before he threw it,you took it from his hand.

"I want this one."you said,looking at the small blue-ish pink shell.


You shrugged,"Because it will keep you from throwing it."

"I cant just throw another one-"Percy said before turning his attention towards you,"-or you can give me a kiss and I'll stop."

You perched your lips as you pretend to think,"Deal."

Percy smirked before kissing you in a slow,passionate mannerpHis arm fell from your shoulders to the back of your waist;but before he pulled you any closer,you pulled away.

"Hey I wasnt done."Percy pouted,frowning at you.

You giggled quietly,"Too bad.Its cold,lets go back to the hotel."

Percy nodded and stood up,extending his hand and helping you stand.You were about to start walking towards the hotel,when Percy grabbed your wrist and pulled you in front of him.

"Wait I have something I wanna show you."Percy said,gently releasing your wrist.


"A rock I found."he answered as he reached in his short's pocket.

"Wow...Percy Im cold,cant you show me this magical rock back in our hotel room?"you whined but Percy shook his head.

"Close your eyes."he said and you arched a brow in question,"Please?"he begged.

You sighed and closed your eyes.It was quiet for a second and all you could hear was the shuffling sound of feet against sand.

"Okay,open them."Percy said and you followed command.You blinked a few times to get your eyes to readjust to the darkness."Like it?"Percy said and you focused on what was in his hand.He was holding a small blue velvet box with a single clear diamond ring.You cupped your mouth with your hand as tears stung in your eyes.

"I'll take that as a 'yes.'Listen,Princess,we've been together for nearly five years and since I didnt want to distract you from college,I waited to ask you this.I planned out the trip all to lead up to this one moment,so please Im begging you dont make me the loser who has to return this ring.Y/N L/N,do me the honor of spending ever summer with me,and marry me?"Percy's eyes looked as if they sparkled in the night from the star's reflection.You,on the other hand,probably looked like a sobbing mess.

You moved your hand from your mouth and took a deep breath before answering,"D-Does it mean you'll run off to Grover every summer again?"you joked lightly.

Percy chuckled and shook his head,"No Sweetheart,Im all yours if you'll keep me."

"Then yes...I'd love to."you said and with that,Percy slid the ring gently onto your finger.Standing up,Percy wrapped both of his arms around your waist and spun you around,kissing you with an undeniable love and passion.

You've only once ever seen the Perseus Jackson cry;that was until today.As you walked down the aisle,dressed in white,Percy stood as a red faced groom,with blue fringe dyed hair hanging in his tear-brimmed eyes(yet he wouldnt dare let anyone else see him cry.)You in front of him at the alter as the pastor spoke.You,unlike Percy who was trying to uphold his masculine,bad boy reputation; refused to cry and ruin hours worth of delicately done make up. So there you both stood,red faced and sniffling until your 'I do's.' Percy held you so close as you two kissed and when you finally pulled away, he left his forehead leaned against yours.

"I'm finally good enough for you."he whispered,as if almost to himself.

"Oh Jackson,you've always been good enough."you smiled.


To say you two lived happily ever,would be cliché;but if your lives together were desribed as anything else,then it would be a lie.

The Prince Charming got his Princess.

A beautiful ending to a love that started because of a deal,that was made to fix the bad boy.

Fixing the Bad Boy{Persues Jackson}Where stories live. Discover now