Please Leave A Message After the Beep

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Watching Percy cry had to be one of the most painful things you have ever witnessed.It hurt to see him so broken and weak all of the sudden.It wasn't like him,yet here he was,wrapped in your arms and crying.He had his face burried in your shoulder,his arms tightly wrapped around your waist.You didnt know what to do for him;consoling him was something you never thought you'd do,but it happened as if it was a natural thing.

"I'm sorry."he repeated for the tenth time,against your now tear-soaked shirt.

"Percy,it's okay.I prom-"you started but he cut you off.

"No it's not.Annabeth hates you because of me,Ive spent our whole childhood together annoying you,and I've ruined any chances we have of being true friends because I couldn't...I couldn't control my feelings."he trailed off,whispering that last part as he pulled away.

You didnt know what to say.You had so many things going through your head,that you couldn't formulate a complete thought.Percy sighed and wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt before standing up.He extended his hand down to you.

"Percy,I-I dont..."you stuttered,looking up at him.He gently grabbed your hand and helped you to your feet.His eyes locked on yours as soon as you were standing;both of his hands held yours firmly.

"You don't have to be with me anymore this summer.I'm not going to punish you because of my poor behavior.I won't do that to you,especially when you don't deserve it."His eyes looked so serious that it almost hurt to look at them."I-I'm moving away for the summer."he said after a moment of dead silence.

Thats when you snapped out of your thoughts,"What why?"

"Because..."he started but shook his head slowly,"Just leave it be,Princess."he said,forcing a small smile.

You wanted answers;to order him to explain,but before you could say anything else,he pulled you into a near-bone crushing hug.

"I'm not going to bother you anymore...I can't"he whispered near your ear before pulling away,to face you again.He had the most sympathetic smile on his face;like everything that he's ever done was against you.He released your hands from his grip before softly holding your face."No princess deserves to be followed by the bad guy,right?"and with that,he kissed you.You flinched in shock under his soft kiss;but as soon as he pulled away,you wished he hadn't.He removed his hands from you cheeks and ran one hand through his hair,"Goodbye,Sweetheart."he said quietly,before walking away.

You couldnt move your legs to walk.You couldnt chase after him like you wanted to(how ironic that sounded compared to the past).All you did was watch him go away,leaving you alone in the dim skatepark light.


Two weeks.Percy has been gone for two weeks.

That night he left according to his mom.Since then,you haven't heard from him at all.He didn't reply to any of your texts,you had no idea where he went,and no one else knew or would tell you either.His mother seemed quieter and more isolated since he left.Coming home every day didnt feel the same without having Percy tease you from across the fence.

It was Sunday afternoon and you were watching tv in the living room.Bianca was at the beach with her family,Jason was on a date with Piper,and Percy's friends were busy as well,so you no one to be around.You were watching a commercial,when your mother walked in.

"Miss Jackson is invited over for dinner."your mom said after you looked up at her.

"Oh? Okay what time?"you asked,standing up and turning the tv off.

"In about two hours.Will you go get me a few things at the store before she gets here?"your mom asked and you nodded.She handed you a list before going in the kitchen to cook.

You had gotten ready and borrowed your mom's car.Wandering around the grocery store for everything that was on your mom's list,you noticed a head of familiar black dyed hair.Thalia.

She apparently noticed you as well,because she waved in your direction,smiling.You walked over to her,shoving your mom's list in your pocket.

"Hey,Y/n."she greeted you.


"How are you doing lately?"she asked.

Fine...Thalia,I need to ask you something."you said and she nodded."How''s Percy?"you asked.

She arched a brow,"You're worried about him?"

"W-well yeah?He left without telling me where he was going or why in detail...I just wanted to know if he was okay."you explained.

Thalia sighed and smiled slightly,"He's doing fine that I know of.He called me a few days ago to talk."

"Thanks."you said.

"So whats with all the food?"Thalia said,changing subjects as she pointed to the basket in your hand.

"Oh,my mom wanted a few things for tonight's dinner with Miss Jackson."

"Oh,cool."just then Thalia's phone rang.She retreived it from the back pocket of her jeans."I should take this.See you around,Y/n."

As soon as she left you went back to shopping.

'At least he's okay...I just wish I could see him.'you thought to yourself.


"Thank you for joining us."your father said to Miss Jackson after everyone was seated around the table.

She smiled,"Thank you for the invitation."

The conversations at the table were light and common.No one mentioned Percy or the summer plans you two were supposed to share.Everything was either daily news or light politics.It wasn't until your mom.and dad left the table to clean up,did Miss Jackson comment on her son.

"Do you two talk anymore?"she said out of the blue,catching you off guard.

"Pardon?"you said.

"Sorry,I just knew he missed I wondered if you two kept in touch."she said.

"Oh...n-no.He doesn't respond to me anymore...I thought he didn't want anything left to do with me."you answered.

Miss Jackson looked genuinely confused.She shook her head slightly as if to clear some thoughts,before smiling again."Well I'm sure thats not the case.He's probably just busy."

"Miss Jackson,where did he go?"

Her smile faded slightly,"He left to stay with his friend,Grover."

You nodded in understanding.
'Grover...that name sounds familiar.'


"The number you are trying to reach is unavailable.Please leave a message after the beep"a recorded voice said before an aggravating beep followed.

"H-hey Percy,um...I figured out where you went...isn't Grover that kid who used to play video games with you as a kid before he moved?Or maybe I've got the name wrong.Well I..."you hesitated,your voice lowering,"miss your annoying morning texts...and your Dodger parked next door.So yeah...uh...text me?"you said,but it came out as more of a question.

You ended the voicemail and stared at your bedroom ceiling.Why did you even miss him?He was always so annoying.Maybe it was because you had gotten used to it.But one thing made less sense then anything else:

'Why did he kiss me?'

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