Do You Know An Annabeth Chase?

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The last week of school can feel like either the quickest or longest week of your life.For you,it was the latter of the two.

You had papers due almost every morning along with back to back tests in ever class,least thats how it felt.Percy,along with all your school,provided you with a nonstop headache.He managed to meet you after every class and to drive you home each day.Thankfully Tuesday's little scene never seemed to have a comeback.

It was Saturday,the first day of summer break,and all you were doing was sleeping.Well,that was until your phone started ringing,waking you up.

Half awake,you grabbed your phone and answered without bothering to look at the contact,"Y/n,speaking."

"Afte-wait are you still sleeping?"you heard a familiar voice say.Ugh,Jackson.

"What do you want?"you asked,blinking your eyes repeatedly to regain proper vision.

"I want my princess.Come have lunch with me."he told you and you glanced over at you clock.It was already twelve in the afternoon.

"No,I dont want to.Leave me alone."you said.

"Are you forgetting that we are supposed to be around each other...what was it my mom said again?You're my good influence for the summer."you could almost feel the smirk that was most likely plastered on his face.He's so annoying.

"Ugh fine.I'll be ready by one."you gave in and hung up before he could reply.

"Why cant I just learn to hibernate like a bear?"you commented to yourself before getting out of bed.


You waited outside on your porch for Percy.He was supposed to pick you up but you havent seen him leave his house yet.You glanced down at your watch:it was one thirty and according to his text,he should have been here fifteen minutes ago.After another ten minute you decided on going to get him yourself.Although you debated on going back inside and becoming Sleeping Beauty till summer ends,you remembered the deal you made with your parents and Miss Jackson(that alone had every other option overruled.)You walked over to Percy's house and knocked twice on his door,before it opened.Standing in the door frame was Miss Jackson.Wrong Jackson that you came for.

"Hello Y/n,what brings you by?"she asked,giving you the warmest smile you've ever seen.Seriously this woman was like an angel with her undeniable kindness and grace.

"I came by for Percy...he said I was supposed to wait at my place for him to pick me up.That was nearly fourth minutes ago."you explained and she gave you a slightly confused face.

"Oh?Hes upstairs playing his guitar.Would you like me to get him?"she asked and you shook your head.

"May I instead?"you requested and she nodded before allowing you inside.She pointed towards the stairs and gave you the directions to his room.

As you walked upstairs two things came to mind:1)how is Percy even related to his mom?Talk about polar opposites.2)Where was his dad?No one,not even the principle knew about his dad.Like its never been mentioned and that's quite suspicious if anyone asked you.

You finally made it to Percy's bedroom door and like the front door,knocked.It was quiet with no response for a solid minute before the door swung open.

Now there are some things that are painfully undeniable;like the fact that even though chocolate is absolutely delicious,it's horrible for you.Another example:even if Percy Jackson is some sort of playing asshole,his body is that of a Greek god.Lets just say beer isn't the only six pack he has.Percy's voice drew your attention back to reality.

"Did you come here to stare at the art or do you want something?"he asked as he rubbed a towel against his wet hair.

"I...uh..."you stuttered.'Get it together,Y/n'you demanded yourself.

"You uh...have a stuttering problem."he teased.

"No,um I came here because youre late."you stated and he arched a brow at you in question."You said one thirty."you stated.

He made a face a realization before smirking.What now?
"No Princess,you're early."

"You said one thirty."you corrected him.

"No,I said two thirty.You read my text wrong."he commented and you checked your texts again.For once,he wasn't wrong.You bit your lip in embarrassment and heard him chuckle.

"Shut up,Jackson."

"You're just too easy."he said as he pulled a black and navy shirt over his head."Please use that massive head of yours,Princess.I know you're smarter then this."he winked at you as he started tying his Doc Martins.

You felt your face burn with blush.Damn you Jackson.After tying his shoes he stood up and grabbed his phone,walking towards his bedroom door,"The Percy Train is leaving.All aboard."he smirked and nudged you gently in the side as you walked by him.

"You're a sick pervert."you muttered before following him to his outside to his car.


"It's good now shut up."Percy said,forcing a white chocolate and blueberry pancake in your mouth.Normally you'd say that blueberries and pancakes were good,blue berries and chocolate were good;but all together didn't sound right for some reason.Percy wouldn't take 'no' for an answer though and was practically spoon feeding you.You chewed hesitantly in fear of your gag reflexes kicking in.To your surprise they didn't;you didn't gag because it was good.Percy was right,for the second time today,now that's scary.

When you decided on taking another bite of your pancake lunch,Percy took that as a victory on his behalf and smirked at you,"Told you it was good."

You rolled your eyes but continued eating.It was quiet for a moment.Awkward quiet until he spoked up again,"Tell me something,Baby Girl."you mentally slapped him at his nickname.

"What?"you asked and his face turned uncharacteristically serious.

"Do you know an Annabeth Chase?"

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