Guess What?I'm Moving Back

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You nearly choked on the pancake you were eating when Percy mentioned Annabeth's names.Yes,you definitely knew her.She used to be a pretty good friend of yours,but when you were in middle school she was the rudest person in the world to you.She tripped you in the halls,took your glasses(that you always needed to wear as a kid),took any friends you had and made them hate you,and made one point extremely clear:stay away from Percy.

Annabeth had this massive crush on Percy in middle school(it appeared as almost to the point of an obsession),but he never returned the affection.She assumed because Percy followed you around and teased you,that you were the reason he didn't pay attention to her.But after middle school she moved away.So why was he bringing her up now?

You swallowed and cleared your throat,"Y-yeah why?"

He looked at you suspiciously.Most likely because you nearly died from choking,"Because she came up to me in the mall the other day and told me how much she missed me and blah blah.The only part that caught my attention was that she mentioned you."

"What about me?"you asked.

"Can't say.Kinda forgot after she kept on blabbering about how great her life has been."

Well that felt like de javu.Annabeth always bragged about herself,just like her mom bragged about her.Being an only child she must have grown up with all the attention and praise she wanted;and she makes it obvious that she wants the same admiration from everyone else.And then we have Percy,ignoring anything that didnt have to do with him or something he was interested in;just like middle school.

"So tell me how you know her."Percy said,pulling you from your web of thoughts.He had leaned his elbows on the table and crossed them as his eyes locked on yours.

"Uh...middle school."you muttered,wanting to but not being able to break eye contact.

"And?"he persisted.

"And what?We were classmates in middle school before she moved."you told him and he rolled his eyes.

"If you were just classmates,you wouldnt have nearly just choked and died because of a pancake."

"Well...its just a name I havent heard in awhile.No biggie."you finally looked back down at your food.

He sighed and sat back up,"I'll get it out of you eventually.We have all summer."

You looked up at him and saw a smirk across his lips,"Theres nothing to get."you mumbled as the check came.You reached for the receipt but before you could look at it,Percy snatched it from your hands,"Exscuse me,but I cant pay for my lunch of I dont know what to give them."you stated.

"No,I'll pay."he said before pulling out his wallet.

You were not going to lie,this surprised you,"You're a gentleman?Since when?"

Percy glanced up at you before looking back at his wallet and pulling out two ten dollar bills,"Dont get used to it.Theres just a specific reason I have to pay."he said before standing up.He placed the money on the table and looked down at you,"You coming or what?"

"Youre very strange,Jackson."You commented as you stood up.

"And you move very slow,Y/L/N.Come on grandma."


"I said take me home."you repeated yourself for the fourth time.After lunch Percy took you to the park.Against your protest of going and getting out of the car,Percy brought you anyway.He had to carry you out of the car and threatened to drop you in the nearby lake.

"Come on Princess.You should have some fun."Percy said as he swung back and forth on the swing.

You crossed your arms over your chest,"Im not a child."

"You're right.You're a stick-in-the-mud."

"Am not."you corrected.

"Are too."he replied.

You glared at him as he slowed down and patted the swing seat beside him,"Dont be a loser."he said as he began swinging again.

You sighed and sat down on the swing.Percy's face lit up in an excitement and he laughed,"Happy now?"

"You look so unhappy,"he chuckled."You actually have to move,Y/n."he said.

You slowly began swinging your legs back and forth to move.You hadnt been on a swing in years,but school could be blamed for that.After highschool you quit coming to the park like you used to because you were so busy.It honestly felt nice to see te place again.

"You're doing it again."you heard Percy's voice.

"What?"you asked,looking up at him.He was already watching you.

"You're zoning out again.What goes on in that mind that keeps it working all the time?"he asked,poking your temple slightly.

You rolled your eyes,"Its just a habit.I-"you were cut off suddenly with a voice you prayed you'd never hear again.

"Percy!We keep bumping into each other."you turned your attention to the owner of this voice.Annabeth Chase.

She didnt seem to have changed at all.She just looked older.The same blonde hair was in beach waves that fell on her shoulders,her grey eyes looked as cold and sharp as before,and her voice was only the smallest but deeper(the last time you heard her voice was in middle school).She wore a red shirt,denim shorts,and tan sandals.

You heard Percy sigh,"Hi Annabeth."

She smiled at him and walked up to him,hugging him without hesitation.You noticed Percy's shoulders tense up until she pulled away.Her whole attention was locked on Percy;or so you thought until you stood up and her eyes shot in your direction.Her face turned to pure hate and back to her smile in a move fastest then lightning.

"Y/n...long time no see."she said,her voice less happy and laced in a serious tone.


Percy arched a brow as he looked between you two.Annabeth stood between you and him,like a barrier.Well,it didnt take a genius to see what was happening:she's making it clear where she wants to be and what she wants,by Percy's side and him to herself.Its going to be middle school all over again,and what she said next,confirmed your fear.

"Good news,I'm moving back.Its going to be like old times.The three of us this summer."

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