Ruth's Ice Cream

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"Are you going to tell me now?"Percy persisted as he followed you up to your front porch.

"No,I already told you."

Even in the dark,you could see him pout.What a child.

"Come on,Princess,I want to know what happened between you two."he mumbled grabbibg both of your hands,"Begging is beneath me but this once,since I really want to know.Please,Please,Please!"he pleaded like a small child.You shook your head.

"No,"you replied, pulling your hands away.

He sighed,"Fine.I'll try again tomorrow."he said.

"Who said I'll hang out with you again?"you asked,crossing your arms over your chest.

"Our deal"he stated and you mentally face palmed.Why do you kept forgetting that?

"Go away."you said,giving him a slight shove to the shoulder.

He smiled and walked down your porch steps,"See you for breakfast.I already have somewhere planned."

You watched him jump over your fence into his yard.Taking the keys from your pocket,you unlocked your front door.Neither of your parents were home because they were out on an anniversary dinner.So you just decided upon going to bed.

You laid in the middle of your bed on your side,staring out your bedroom window.Its been a long day.After Annabeth showed up and hit you with-what felt like the worst news ever-she talked to Percy for an hour before finally leaving.Percy didnt want to leave the park until the sun started to set and even after that you didnt go home.He took you along with him to get himself a milkshake and then he stopped at a gas station for gum.Seriously,does he just go wherever whenever he pleases?

By the time you had gotten home,it was nine at night and you felt drained,so here you are now.You watched the cars passing down your neighborhood street until you fell asleep.


You sat quietly at the kitchen counter as your mom made eggs and bacon for breakfast.Your dad drank his coffee while reading the morning paper and Percy tapped his fingers against the counter as he kept his eyes on you.Yes,Percy was now apart of your family breakfast routine.He apparently came over while you were still sleeping this morning,and your mother let him in and invited him to breakfast

"Will you stop staring at me?"you mumbled only loud enough for him to hear.

He smirked and tapped his fingers slower against the marble counter top,"Mrs.L/N,I seem to have just noticed but arent Y/n's eyes a beautiful shade of e/c?"he said loud enough for both of your parents to hear.

You but your lip as you felt your cheeks burn.

Your mom looked slightly surpised at his comment but smiled and nodded anyway,"Yes I have."she said as she placed two plates infront of you both.

"Thanks mom."you said;Percy was already eating.Well manners appear to be the first topic to deal with.You honestly would rather do something else all summer long,especially since Annabeth will most likely be around more,but the money Percy's mother offered for you to help him was more then you could give up.

After breakfast was over,Percy said he had the day all planned out.This kinda of scared you because he would tell you what he had planned.

"Its all going to be a surprise."he said as he pulled out of your driveway.You took a long look at your house incase it was the last time.Okay well,that might be a bit dramatic,you admit.Your mom was on the porch waving goodbye at you two.

"Its not too late to make me stay home!"you yelled to your mom and she just smiled,shaking jer head and walked back inside.

"Always a drama queen."you heard Percy say.

"Sorry some of us value our lives."you commented.

Percy was about to say something wen his phone began to rang.He picked it up,made an annoyed expression,then answered,"Hey'd you get my number?Okay whatever...I'm with Y/n."he said and you felt yourself panic.Why would he-oh damn right,he doesnt know all that."Places,we are going places...y-you wanna come along?What if I told you we were gonna go sell drugs?Youd still"he trailed off on the last few words.He looked over at you for a moment,a unnatural serious face displayed,before turning his attention back to the red light we were stopped by."Fine.Ruth's Ice Cream in twenty minutes.We arent waiting for you if youre late."he said before immediately hanging up.

The car fell to complete silence the entire ride there.It was horribly uncomfortable and besides you with your hate for Annabeth,you werent sure why Percy was acting so odd.He didnt have anything against her,right?

"Are you going to tell me now?"Percy said,breaking the silence.You didnt have to ask,you knew what he meant.

"Nothing,okay?Drop it."you said in an untasteful manner.He for once didnt push it,just pulled into Ruth's Ice Cream parking lot.
You both got out and almost immediately saw Annabeth.She nearly tackled Percy to the ground in a hug.

"Hi Annabeth."Percy said as he pried her arms from around him.She didnt particularly look happy about that but didnt say anything.

"Thanks for inviting me."she said.

"You kind of invited yourself."you and Percy mumbled in unison.You both stared at each other and Annabeth just looked confused,she must not have heard either of you.Percy blinked rapidly few times as if to focus and then turned back to Annabeth.

"Lets get this over with."

"You go on.I want to tell Y/n something first."Annabeth said as Percy walked to the door.He looked back at you both before shrugging and walking insisid

'Percy please dont go.'well,that was a first.You looked up at Annabeth who stared down at you like she wanted to rip your skin off.

"Lets make something clear:whatever you had or thought you had with Percy,is over.I'm back and hes mine.You better keep your distance,got it?I dont need to put you in your place like I used to do I?"she said in an almost hiss like whisper.Her sharp voice was just like you two were in middle school all over again.

You shook your head slowly.Satisfied with your reply,she spun on her heels and followed Percy.You felt like you couldnt do anything but agree with her.You werent scared of her like you used to be,no it was more like the way she spoke brought up memories you didnt want to remember,and that hurt.But as much as you wanted to leave,you couldnt.You promised Percy's mom you'd help him,so for now you'd just have to avoid Annabeth as much as you could when you were around Percy.

"Too bad she follows him like a leech."you muttered to yourself before walking after them.

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