Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I can't believe he saw that whole thing happen. But I mean, that's what I wanted this whole time right? For him to know the truth about his 'parents'. But, just not like that. His whole personality just screams innocence to me, and he just doesn't deserve any of this.

But on the other hand, he knows. He believes everything I've told him since this whole thing started. Maybe, just maybe he can do something about it. Maybe he can save us. But I just don't know.

All of these thoughts were flying around in my mind while I was laying in my bed that night. I was trying, and failing miserably, to fall asleep. There was just absolutely no way. My body was still trembling from the night's events. I just couldn't get that bloodthirsty look in her eyes out of my mind.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps outside my door. Oh god is she here to kill me in my sleep or something?

Slowly, the knob began turning. I sat frozen on my bed, waiting. The door finally opened to reveal the one boy I couldn't stop thinking about.

"Austin," I breathed. "What are you doing?"

He didn't say anything, and that worried me. The look on his face wasn't much different than it was earlier. But this time he seemed more determined, and honestly it kind of scared me.

"We have to get out of here," he finally spoke.

What? Did he just say what I think he said? My head started spinning. He can't be serious. "Where are we supposed to go, Austin?"

"I don't know," he said while grabbing my hand. "We'll figure it out on the way, just go pack a backpack. Now. Hurry we have to go!"

I hesitated for a minute and looked at him. I knew he was scared, and I was scared too, but was this really the right thing to do?

"Come on Sophie, you have to get up. Pack your stuff and I'll be right back. And stay quiet," he said as he tiptoed out of the room.

* * *

*Austin's POV*

I was shaking.

I had never stolen from my parents before, but, seeing as how they weren't even my real parents I figured it was ok. I knew where the safe was, and I knew the combination. I reached in and found the envelope with all the extra cash in it.

I took five thousand.

I hoped that would be enough for us to get where I wanted to go.


I wanted to find my real mom. I didn't tell Sophie yet, though I probably should. I finally had the nerve to message Michele M. back on Twitter earlier. Turns out I had a pretty good reason to be paranoid and caught up in the whole thing. Turns out she happens to be my birth mom. And I'm going to go meet her, if it's the last thing I do. So yeah, I'll do anything to get me and Sophie out of here.

* * *

*Sophie's POV*

This was crazy. We were just going to run away? But no matter how much I thought this was a bad idea, I still got up, got dressed, and packed my bag. I started with everything that was even remotely important to me, then, I packed whatever I could fit in my backpack. It was heavy, but if I was never coming back I wanted to have everything that I would need.

I picked up my phone and saw I had a text from Austin.

'Meet me downstairs.'

I grabbed my stuff and tiptoed down the stairs. As I walked down the hallway towards the front door I took one last look at the home I was leaving. I wanted to feel sentimental about it. I wanted to feel bad about leaving, but honestly I couldn't wait to get out of there.

I pulled the front door open, careful not to make any noise, and stepped outside. Austin was standing on the front porch looking at his phone. I stopped to look at him. What was really going on inside that head of his? I don't know if I'll ever know.

He looked up at me and smiled weakly. "You ready to go?"

I hesitated. "Yeah, let's go," I said confidently. I don't know why, but I decided to trust him. "Where to first?"

He smirked, "I hope you got your waking shoes on."

I smiled back and walked with him. It was silent as we walked, but not an awkward silence. It was a comfortable silence that allowed me to sink into my thoughts.

I thought about all the craziness that's been going on in the past few weeks. My parents were killed, I met the guy who killed them at the park, I got kidnapped, I got death threats, and now I'm running away from it all with the one boy who has been there for me through it all. I looked up at him and he noticed. He smiled at me and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

No Sophie. You can't let him do that. Stop it.

I redirected my gaze to the ground in front of me and focused on walking. We walked for about half an hour until we came to what seemed to be our destination.

"The bus station?" I asked.


I followed Austin up to the counter to buy a ticket. There wasn't much of a line.

"Two tickets please," Austin told the man at the desk.

"Where to?"

"New Orleans," he responded.

New Orleans? Why there? I thought.

"That'll be $200, please," the man said.

Without hesitation, Austin pulled out the money and slid it across the counter. I'm absolutely positive my face reflected the amount of shock I felt at the fact that Austin had all that money with him.

"You ok, ma'am?" the man asked me.

I snapped out of my shock, "Uh, oh yeah I'm fine." I lightly laughed in an effort to brush it off like it was nothing.

He gave me a small smile as Austin took the tickets and thanked him.

We walked away and sat on the bench waiting for the bus to arrive. Once it did, we boarded it and found our seats.

A voice came over a speaker on the bus, "Thank you for choosing Greyhound bus services. Settle in, we will be arriving at our destination in about 9 hours."

I took a deep breath and settled in. This was going to be a long journey.



Thanks for reading guys! Thank you for over 400 reads! That means alot! If you like this story, tell your friends or share it on twitter. That'd be great!

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