Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"A friend of my mom's?" Austin asked in disbelief. Dave nodded. I didn't know what to believe.

"Then why were you with Ryan trying to kill us?" I questioned.

"I wasn't trying to kill you," he insisted. "I wa--"

"Oh really? Because it sure seemed like it! It seemed like I was running for my life from you," I seethed.

Dave looked down. "I wa--"

"No, just save your brea--" I started.

"Sophie, let's hear what he has to say," Austin said softly.

I gave him a look like 'Really? You're supposed to be on my side here!' But he shot back with a pleading look.

"Sorry," I said softly. I realized this is one of the first things he will ever hear about his real mom, and he doesn't care who it comes from.

Austin motioned for Dave to keep talking. "Um, so yeah, I wasn't trying to kill you. I was just using Ryan to get closer to you, so I could get you to your mom."

I stepped forward again. "Ok, sorry but how are we supposed to believe you?"

Dave shoved his hands in his pockets and looked me in the eyes. "Because, I killed Ryan."

Shocked was an understatement. I didn't know what to say. "What? How?" Austin stuttered.

"Those gunshots you heard, that was me, shooting Ryan," he said plainly. "So do you believe me now? Because I really need to get you to your mom soon, Austin."

Austin looked to me for an answer. I looked back at him, I didn't know what to say. "It's up to you, Austin. I trust you."

He looked down and shoved his hands in his pockets, the same way Dave did. He took a deep breath. "Yeah, I believe you. Let's go."

Austin followed Dave out of the store and I was right behind him. We split off as Dave went to his car and Austin and I went to get our stuff off the bus.

"So do you trust him?" Austin asked me.

I paused. Everything he's said so far makes sense, or at least it's starting to. "Yeah, I think I do. Besides you can always beat him up if it turns out to be a trap, right?"

I squeezed his biceps and he laughed. "Yeah, right! Did you see those guns? No wonder he passed as Ryan's bodyguard."

"Yeah seriously," I mumbled as we picked up our backpacks and slung them over our shoulders. "When we find your mom maybe she can do her first 'mom thing' and do our laundry."

We chuckled. "But really though, I'm on my last pair of clean underwear."

"Me too," I admitted.

"Yikes," Austin said as we stepped off the bus.

"Where are you guys going?" The driver questioned.

Austin looked to me. "Um, we actually found our friend that we were coming to Miami to see, so we're just going to go with him."

"Aww, ok," he seemed disappointed. "I'll be sad to see my favorite passengers go, but you two have a great time!"

"You too," I smiled.

We met up with Dave at his car and climbed in the back. "Sorry guys, I had to put my luggage in the front seat, the trunk was already full," Dave apologized.

"It's ok, man, we're good back here," Austin assured him. "So, um-"

"What do you want to know about your mom?" Dave cut him off, chuckling.

"Everything," Austin said without hesitation.

Dave laughed again. "I can help with that, but uh, anything specific?"

"Um, well, who is she?" He asked.

Dave smiled. "Her name is Michele Mahone and she lives in Miami."

Austin hesitated for a minute. "Who, um who's my dad?"

Dave's smile fell and he looked out the window at the Miami skyline coming into view. "Um your dad was Carter Mahone. He was a great guy."

Austin looked down. "Was?" He asked quietly.

Dave's eyes were glistening as he focused them back on the road. "Yeah, I'm sorry Austin."

"It's ok," Austin sniffed. "There's nothing to be sorry about."

I reached over and placed my hand on Austin's. "So what else can you tell us about Michele. Like how did Austin end up all the way in Texas?"

Dave straightened up and wiped his eyes. "Well, I think this particular detail would be best told by Michele herself. Let's just say she wasn't in the best place in her life when she had you, Austin."

Austin looked up at Dave. "Really? What do you mean?"

Dave frowned. "She'll tell you when she's ready."

Austin looked down.

"But hey, we're almost there, so hopefully she'll tell you soon," Dave said hopefully.

I felt out of place. This was Austin's thing. He needed all this information and I felt like I was intruding. But I still wanted to talk to him alone, just so I can see what's going on inside his head. How is he processing this? It's a lot to take in and I'm not sure he's ready for this. I know I told him he would be fine, but I really don't know. But there was one question burning at me. 

"Dave? How did she find Austin? I mean, he was all the way in Texas," I asked.

Austin turned toward me, "She probably found me from my covers on Youtube."

Dave looked in the rearview mirror at us. "Yeah, she has a lot of free time on her hands, and she loves music, so it really wasn't that hard to find you. And besides, you look so much like your dad, so that made it just that much easier to know it was you."

Austin sat back and took that in. "Did my other mom know, like, who she got me from?"

Dave thought about it. "No, probably not, but I really don't know."

The car began slowing down and we pulled into a parking lot.

Austin looked around. "What are we doing at a hospital?"

Dave avoided eye contact. "Austin, I need to tell you something before we go in there," Dave looked down. "It's, uh.."

"What?" Austin asked. "Just tell me."

"Your mom, she's here," Dave said slowly. "On the oncology level. She has cancer, Austin."



I don't even know what to say.. I'm crying.

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