Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Flashing lights and sirens were speeding past us, toward the crime scene. Chaos was ensuing, a killer was on the loose.

But I couldn't move. I layed my head across Austin's chest as his arms wrapped around me. I didn't know what to feel. Should I be relieved, or scared, or happy? I don't know. I want to know who killed Ryan, and why? I mean, I know he's a horrible person, but isn't he supposed to have bodyguards or something? I thought so.

"Hey, it's going to be ok," Austin said, rubbing small circles in my back. "He's gone, he won't bother us anymore."

He was right. I should be happy, I should be relieved. But why am I not?

"I know," I breathed.

"Let's get some rest, we need it," Austin said as he turned toward me and wrapped his arms around me. Together we fell asleep. His slow steady breaths comforted me and his arms were like a blanket of safety wrapped around me.

My eyes fluttered open when I felt Austin moving beneath me.

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you up, go back to sleep," Austin whispered.

I sat up and stretched. "No, it's fine. I'm actually kind of hungry."

Austin smiled. "Well in that case, good morning sunshine." He cupped my face in his hands and our lips met once again.

Quickly, Austin got up and walked toward the front of the bus, leaving me with a smile on my face. I relished the feel of his soft lips on mine. It was a feeling I don't think I could ever forget.

I heard Austin talking to the bus driver, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. As I waited for him to come back I took the opportunity to look out the window and take in all the scenery. It was beautiful. We were close to the coast and the blue water of the gulf was glittering in the sunshine. It's beauty made me think that maybe our lives could really be turning around. Maybe Ryan's death really could be a good thing for us. I know he's put us through hell but I still feel bad about being happy about his death. I don't know.

"Hey," Austin said pulling me from my thoughts, which I was glad about. "You want to help me with something?"

"Um, sure," I said wondering what he was talking about.

He smiled. "Cool, come with me."

I got out of my seat and followed him to the back of the bus, past the lavatory. We walked into a closet sized room.

"So they loaded the food for the passengers on here, but the attendant had to run to the bathroom before the bus left. Then the shooting happened and she, uh, didn't make it back in time," he explained. "So the driver asked me if I could pass out the food."

"Alright then boss, what's for dinner?" I asked.

He opened a box. "Looks like spaghetti," he said, digging through the box. "Can you go see how many people are out there?"

"Sure," I said as I turned around and walked back out of the kitchen. I walked down the aisle, counting passengers as I went. I recounted just to make sure on my way back to the kitchen. Twenty one.

"Twenty one, plus us, so twenty three," I reported back to Austin.

"Thank you," he said, surveying the food layed out before him. "Now how do we do this?"

I peered over at the box dinners, "Aren't there directions?"

"Yeah but I don't know how to use this oven," Austin replied looking confused. I couldn't hold back my laughter. "What? What's so funny?"

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