Chapter 20

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I'm sure I looked like a zombie walking around the next morning. I stayed up until like 4 a.m. watching Austin's videos and now I had somewhat of an Austin withdrawal. I needed to find a way to get back to Miami.

After breakfast I was sitting on the couch in the living room as everyone came bustling in. "Hey, we're going to the park, you wanna come?" Asked Megan.

"Not really," I said.

She rolled her eyes. "That was just to make it seem like you had a choice. It's required, I don't wanna go either."

Ugh. "Ok, fine." I got up and followed the rest of the girls out of the house and we all piled uncomfortably into the minivan that Julie was driving. We pulled out of the driveway and drove toward the park.

Once we got there I pulled myself up and out of the van along with the other girls. The other girls went off to one side of the park but I found the swing set and planted myself there. I got on Twitter and checked my notifications. I didn't have any. I really wish I didn't cut off all of my friends.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Julie coming toward me. "Yeah, she's right here, hold on," she said into her phone. "Sophie, it's Ms. Watson, your social worker."

I took the phone. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey Sophie, I was just calling to check in on you and see how you were doing," she said cheerily.

"You want the honest answer?" I asked.

She paused. "Yes of course."

"I'm kind of sucky right now and I really just want to be back in Miami right now," I said as I got up from the swing set and began walking to give myself some more privacy. "Is there any way you could make that happen?"

"Well technically you are a ward of the state of Texas, not Florida. So the only way you could be in Miami is if a family there adopted you," she said. I was surprised she actually took me seriously.

I paused to think. "Is there any way you could make that happen?" I asked hopefully. If I could get adopted by another family in Miami then I could be with Austin. I could be with him again. He needs me right now, so this has to happen. "Please, could you at least try?"

I heard her let out a deep breath on the other end of the phone. "I don't know Sophie, so I'm not going to make you any promises," she paused. "But I'll try."

A smile spread across my face. "Thank you so much."

"Well hopefully I'll talk to you later, Sophie," she said. "Bye."

"Bye," I said as I hung up the phone. This is great. All I have to do is get adopted. That's all I have to do and I can be with Austin.

* * *

"Sophie! Come on, wake up," someone said as they shook me awake.

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