Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"Tonight?" I asked. "How are we supposed to do that? They're probably waiting for us out there! We can't just waltz out and expect them not to see us!"

"I know, I know," he said, but he was clearly thinking about something else.

"What?" I asked. "What are you thinking?"

"How," he began. "How did they find us? No one followed us, I made sure of that!"

I thought for a minute. "Our phones, maybe?"

He shook his head. "No way. I turned off the location services a long time ago," he looked at me, eyes wide. "You don't have yours on do you?"

"No, I turned it off after I got back to my room that night," I said, absolutely sure.

He sighed, "Then how?"

Silence. That's the only answer that came. We honestly didn't know, but we had to find out now or we couldn't move on. They would just find us again, and who knows what they would do if they actually caught us.

This was ridiculous. How the heck did they find us? I was so overwhelmed, I just wanted it all to stop. "I'm gonna go lie down."

"No don't," Austin said as he grabbed my arm.

"Ow!" I shrieked.

"What?" Austin asked, confused. "What did I do?"

"You grabbed my wound," I said. I thought it was obvious.

"Your wound?"

"Yeah, I got stabbed, remember?" I said. "When they kidnapped me."

Austin stopped for a second, thinking. "How did you get stabbed, again?"

I thought about it. "I don't really know, to be honest. I just woke up tied to a chair with a hole in my arm."

"So you don't know what they stabbed you with?" Austin asked. "It could've been anything, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," I said, still confused. "Austin, what are you getting at?"

Austin let out a big sigh and started pacing back and forth, mumbling, "No way, this can't be happening, I can't believe this, I--"

"Austin!" I raised my voice. "What are you talking about?"

He looked into my eyes, "Sophie, what if, when they stabbed you, they put a tracker in your arm?"

I stared at him, dumbfounded. That couldn't be true, could it? But these guys are capable of so much, why not this?

"How would we even find out if that's what it is?"

He looked at me, still trying to make sense of this. "Soph, I honestly don't know," he said. "But what scares me more, is how do we get it out of you?"

*Austin's POV*

An hour later, we had a plan. We had to figure out for sure if the tracker was in Sophie's arm or not. I was on the street corner outside our hotel by myself, waiting. Sophie was in a shop across the street, also waiting.

Our plan was to hopefully draw Ryan to Sophie, but not actually get caught. If Ryan actually went to the shop looking for Sophie, then we would know for sure that is how they are tracking us.

And then somehow we would have to fix that.

But nothing was happening yet, and it was getting dark out. I really didn't want to be out here in the dark, what we were doing was dangerous enough as it is.

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