Bonus Chapter 2.

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"Now I remember why I prefer breaks over school," I sighed as I relaxed into the deck chair that was standing a few feet away from the pool.

It was finally summer break. The long long awaited summer break.

I can't even remember being able to just enjoy myself and not having to worry about some school assignment or some presentation.

This was the life. Just lounging around, tanning in the sun and drinking pina coladas.

I could get used to this.

"You look like you're already in full vacation mode. It's barely the second week of summer break," a voice said.

I opened my eyes and pushed my sunglasses up to see who was talking.

"I'm just trying to enjoy every singe second of it before it ends all too soon," I replied and took the drink that Ryder was holding out to me, before he lay down onto the deck chair next to me.

Luckily, the pool wasn't too crowded and it was relaxing just laying here. Usually it was full of screaming kids but since almost everyone was currently on vacation it was peaceful.

I took a sip of my smoothie before pushing my sunglasses back down and relaxing into the chair, soaking up the hot sun.

Ryder chuckled. "You planning on doing anything else this summer or just laying around in the sun?"

"Nope, this is pretty much it," I replied.

"Well, I'm going to go swimming, since, you know, we're a the pool. Care to join me?"

Ryder stood up and held out a hand towards me, waiting to see if I would go with him.

"Go swim, child," I said to him and waved my hand dismissively. "Stay on the shallow end though," I joked.

I saw Ryder roll his eyes before jumping into the pool and swimming a few times around it.

I settled back into the chair once again and closed my eyes, not wanting to miss any second of the warm and relaxing day.

A while later, I was still laying on the deck pool with my eyes closed when all of a sudden something wet was on top of me.

I gasped and my eyes shot open as I looked at what was laying on me.

"Ryder!" I exclaimed as he hugged me to his dripping wet body. "You're all wet," I complained and tried to wiggle out of his grip.

"I can make you wet too," he said and smirked up at me.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his face to the side.

Thankfully, he got up but then he picked me up bridal-style and walked over to the edge of the pool.

"Ryder, no!" I laughed and clung to him tightly.

However, it didn't help much because he dropped me into the pool and I slipped out of his grip.

"Ryder!" I yelled when I came back up to the surface and spat out the water that had gotten in my mouth.

"Watch out!" he called before cannonballing into the poll next to where I was swimming.

His jump sent another big splash over me and I spit out the water that was in my mouth again. I swam to the edge of the pool and threw my sunglasses onto the deck chair before swimming back to where Ryder was.

I was about to say something when he ducked under the water and appeared under me.

He went up again and then I was sitting on top of his shoulder.

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