Chapter Four

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When I went to go check on Nickolas I was exhausted. The commander had made me get up earlier than I expected. For the two hours I was up he had me run the perimeter with the wolves and vampires guarding it. Unlike the wolves and vampires they enjoyed running it. It was as simple as tying their shoes to them, but to me it was hell on earth. I couldn't keep up with the group, my calves ached, and by the time the first hour was up I was dying for water and a break, but I kept going and pushing my self to show that even though I'm human I belong here because if I didn't do this the pitiful glances I was getting while doing this wouldn't go away and it would bring up questions on whether a human belong here and I knew they needed me to a certain extent, but to be honest I needed this more. I needed to be an army medic because I felt it was the best way to protect my family and do something that I supported.

After, those to dreadful hours, I had to train with Travis and Xavier. Travis was first. Travis was a warlock so he used magic to fight me. Most of them were mind games that I had to realize that they weren't real and then fight the real threat. The worst one he used so far he used was making me watch my someone attack my sister. It took me a good 20 minutes to figure out it wasn't her, which surprising was a better time than some of the other's who have had this done.

Then, after about another hour and a half of training with Travis I had to train with Xavier. Xavier is a pain to train with because he is our best fighter and he was a high ranked werewolf and vampire hybrid before he joined the army. Xavier, unfortunately, decides that he wanted to help me learn to fight better and to do this he basically fought me like I was his enemy so he could see what level he would need to start at. I landed a couple of solid punches, but they did effect him very much because he healed super fast. In fact I think my punches hurt my hand more than where I hit him. He then landed good punch every where. Most of the time he didn't aim for my face, but then hit me in the jaw and almost knocked me out. He then decided it was a good time to stop and told me that I was fast, which was something he could work with. He also told me I would be super sore tomorrow (not like I didn't already know that from all the run I did and the punch he just landed all over me) so we wouldn't be fighting tomorrow.

Now I was certainly walking into the emergency room limping a little because I hurt all over. They other doctors looked at me and asked if I need check out, but I simply told them I was going to check on a patient and then go home and sleep.

When I walked into the room all heads turned toward me.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something? I can come back later.", I say as I see Nickolas, Rebecca and the Alpha King all stare at me.

"What happened?", the Alpha Kings says slightly angrily as his mother said, "OMG come here let me look at that!"

"What are you talking about I'm fine.", I say back.

"Sweetie, did you get into a fight with someone? Your jaw is badly bruised.", she questioned me.

"Um no, this is from my training today. It's fine.", I say.

They all look at me uncertain that I was fine, but before they could question me I ask, "How are you Nickolas? You look better. Have you tried walking some to see if you're strong enough?"

"I have tried walking a little. I can walk on my own, but Rebecca doesn't want me to in case I'm not fully healed.", he says.

"That probably good for now and if you don't mind I'm going to look at your bullet wounds now to see how they have healed.", I say as I uncover his arm bandage first.

"It looks good. It's healed nicely you only have mostly bruising left. It will probably be healed in another 8 to 10 hours. Now let's check out this abdominal wound."

Looking at his abdominal wound I notice that the skin looks infected. I need to check with the lab.

I look back at them and tells them, "This isn't healing as best as it could and I'm worried about infection. It could be from what the bullet was traced in or chemicals the bullet was made from. I'm going to give the lab the bullets I got out of you and your initial blood sample that was taken when you got here and a blood sample I'm going to take now to see if some chemical you inhaled is reacting badly with your body to cause the infection and some other things. Hopefully, this is nothing and is something that your body will easily fight off."

"Okay. Okay. So there's nothing to worry about?", Rebecca asks as I grab a needle to take his blood.

"No it's still something to concerned about, but I will most likely go away in a little bit. Now I'm going to go take this to the lab and get some other things. I will be back as soon as they get me the results, which will probably take no more than 2 hours. ", I say as I leave.

"Thank you.", says Rebecca.

"You're welcome.", I say as I shut the door.

Going to the lab I take the elevator up surprisingly I'm the only one on it until the Alpha King slips in at the last second.

"Tell me who you train with.", he demands after a couple seconds of awkward silence between us.

"Why? Do you need a lesson from them or something?", I ask.

"No, they harmed you. They deserve to be punished."

"Why does it matter if they "harmed me." I highly doubt this even counts at that because they were training me. Why do you even care? You go me in this position in the first place" , I answer back.

"Fine, but if they make you unable to treat my dad or have my mom worried about a stupid little human who thinks she's cut out for this then you're dead and so is the person who harmed you.", he threatens as the elevator opens.

"You're welcome by the way this stupid out of place human saved your dad's life. You'd think being an Alpha King would teach you respect for other but I guess not!", I call to him as the elevator door closes.

Great. I Aubrie Brooke White has official signed her death certificate cause I can promise you the next time the Alpha King sees me my head is coming off.


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