Chapter Twenty Nine

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Theo woke me up way to early to get on the plane. When he woke me up I legitimately acted like I was five. Theo, when he finally realized I wasn't going to get out of bed, left his room and came back a short while later with a bag packet for me.

"Come on, Aubrie. I let you sleep longer let's go.", he say while giving me a littler shove. My response was to move father away from him. We repeated this until I unknowingly got to the edge of the bed and fell of. Theo was instantly at my side and caught me before I even rolled of a lot. He probably anticipated the fall since he could see where I was at on the bed.

"Come on your up. Now, I have your bag pack with what you will need and if you obey and let me feed you I'll let you get to the plane as quick as possible so you can sleep there." He said as he held me and walked away from the best so I wouldn't be tempted to answer the call of sleep it was directing at me.

"Okay, I guess." , I say as I pull away from his arm and let out a yawn as I stretch. I then turn around and walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

When I come out I say, "Let's go. "

"Your doing dressed like that?" He asks. I'm wearing a pair of his basketball shorts and just a plain navy shirt.

"Yes, I'm going on a plane not meeting the president."

"Okay, let's go." He says as he grabs the bags.

We get into the car and drive to the airstrip that wasn't super far away, probably about 20 miles.

When we got on the plane I instantly realized why my dream was to become a millionaire when I was younger was relevant. The plane was beautiful and wasn't cramped at all. Creepy Kyle and Max we're already on the plane and stared at me when I go on.

"Well don't you look like you were kept up all night.", Kyle says.  I had a water bottle on me that I had grabbed from the kitchen before we left the I threw at him. Kyle was dressed in some fancy pants and a nice shirt and Theo and Max mirrored his look. "You just made because I'm the only one that going to be comfortable on the plane."

"Yeah okay and we dressed nice because we have to look important when we arrive so we are taken seriously I mean I would take you seriously in that out fit."

I take a step towards him and say challengingly," I'm about to show you how serious I am about sending you to hell."

"Damn, Aubrie smack him down." a familiar voice calls.

Then another voice says, "What the hell Travis, why did you have to say that? I was ready to see Aubrie kick ass it's been a while."

I turn around towards the entrance of plane and see that Travis, Xavier and my commander stood there. Omg I'm wearing pajamas in front of my Commander, when I get Theo alone he's dead for not making me change.

"Oh Xavier, I'll kick your ass if you want me to. Anyway I think Theo would like to get a good couple hit on Kyle..." Before I could even continue Theo lost his chill. He punched Xavier to hard he was slammed back into the Commander who caught him and before Theo could swing again I grab his hand.

"What the are you doing Theo! Calm yourself down.", I say as I pull him behind me and look at Xavier and help him up so I can see where he hit him.

Theo wraps him arm around my waist while I look at his face and every time Xavier winces or flinches he growls at him.

"What the hell was that for?", Xavier asks a he grabs my hand so I'll stop touching were he was hit.

"If you ever harm her again I will end you!" Thro says in the most animalistic tone I'd ever hear come from him.

"What are you talking about?" He says and Theo lunges at him.

"When you hit and bruised her as punishment."

" I was training her. I did nothing wrong."

"That's were you're wrong..."

"Theo, I swear it was training it's not like I got him to fight me on purpose to get hurt now can we all calm down? I just really want to sit down and nap with having to worried about which one of you will need stitches first."

"Okay.", Theo says as he puts me into the seat the farthest from Xavier.

I roll my eyes to myself, but don't comment on what he purposely did. "Why are you guys here?"

"We flew in last night to get updated on the situation so no prying ears would hear so a couple men from the bases you were going to that were proven to be loyal came."

"Oh okay." I say with a yawn. I grab my phone out and open the messages. I type a texted to Theo that's says: WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THEY WERE COMING!!!! THEY ARE ALL MY BOSSES AND I COULD HAVE PUT ON AT LEAST JEANS TO MEET THEM!!

He looked at me and then typed back: I tried to tell you. Why are you typing this?

Then I took the phone back and type: BECAUSE OF YOUR SUPERNATURAL FREAKY HEARING!!

Passing him the phone I wait for a reply: Yeah I'm kind of glad your typing this to me because my sensitive hearing would hate your screaming.

I give him a look and take my phone back and lock it. Still feeling tired I shift in my seat so my head rest on his shoulder and I fall asleep to the sound of the plane starting to take off.

GUY I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!!!! I got a job so it changed my schedule a lot and I'm struggling in physics because it hates me and I'm trying to keep a social life intact and I feel super bad for not updating. I know this is short but I hope you liked it! Thank you to everyone who has been commenting and voting! I will try to upload this weekend, but who know what will happen. Oh also this chapter IS NOT EDITED AT ALL so if they're were any mistakes I'm sorry.

Early update goal:
Votes: 12
Comments: 3

The Alpha King's Army MedicΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα