Chapter Nineteen

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The next two days were uneventful. Alexa had given me, even more, files so I spent my days going through them. I hadn't seen Theo at all.

It was Wednesday night now and I had finished everything. I was surprised I would actually be going to bed at a decent time. It was 10:30 at night and I was glad that the sleep that I've been craving all day was soon to be mine. Gavin would arrive early tomorrow morning so I'd have to get up at 5 which didn't seem that bad now that I knew I'd get enough sleep to function. He had texted me that he brings me a surprise and I couldn't help but wonder what it was.

I was getting ready for bed when there was a knock at my door. I quickly spit out my toothpaste into the bathroom sink and rinse my mouth out with water. I open my door to see an exhausted looking Alexa with a box of files. She had bags under her eyes and doesn't look like she's slept at all.

Why was she giving me these when they are all online?

Reading the question off my face she looked at me and said,"These just arrived and I'd really like if you can go over these tonight. We didn't have time to get them scanned so they are hard copies."

I put a smile on my face trying not to grimace. "Sure. I'll have them done by morning."

"Thank you so much. I've been reading your ideas and notes on the ones you've gotten scanned. They look great and really organized and you have no idea how much I appreciate it really." , she says as she walks into my room and sets the box next to the desk I had just cleaned up.

Welp, that was a waste of time.

"You're welcome.", I tell her as she leaves.

Closing my door I turn around to the box and look at it.

This is going to take a shit load of coffee. I swear I should just put the machine in my room.

I went out of the room and grabbed a coffee cup and brought it back to my room.

Where can I put a coffee machine in this room?

I spot my nightstand on the bed and see a plug near my desk. Grabbing the nightstand I move it over to near the desk and the plugin.

Returning to the kitchen I grab the coffee machine. It was expensive and could make like any type of coffees like lattes, cappuccinos, frappe, etc. The machine was the bomb so it was my mission to not drop it. I thought it would be sorta light but it wasn't. I didn't let the glorious coffee machine drop, but when I got to the nightstand it was a relief.

I would totally do that again. Coffee is life and it's totally worth any pain I would go through to bring it back and forth.

10 cup of coffee later (don't judge me)and all the files scanned and all my note scanned. I'm finally able to go to bed. I look at the clock and see it's six in the morning. Too tired to move I put my head on the desk and lay on the paper on my desk. I shut my eyes and everything is better for a couple seconds. Then my door opens and ruins everything.

"Aubrie! Gavin's arrived let's go. Wait? Since when did you have a coffee machine in here?," Alexa says energetically.

"You can take your energetic ass out do here and let me sleep. This is all your fault.", I mumble to her barely awake.

The Alpha King's Army MedicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora