Chapter Thirty Eight

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Previously on AKAM:

Aubrie has been taken by Elijah, who is an old friend from the army. He's obsessed with her and even started dating a girl named Felicity who looks like her and Autumn. Felicity started to notice the toxic relationship they had and he started to be controlling and when she did things he didn't like he became physically abusive. Theo found her in Elijah and his buddies old camp. They left her for dead. Elijah friends seem to have turned on him and are going to torturer information out of Aubrie.

Theo's POV

The tracker took twenty torturous minutes to find the location, but I was happy that she wasn't in a location super far away. It was only two and a half hours away from where Felicity was found. We were currently planning an attack were we attacked from everywhere and now we only had to rule out people who we don't think can be trusted. I wasn't taking any chances of having another trader. I knew I could trust Autumn and her mate, Sebastian, Alexa, my parents, Rebecca and Nicholas, but I could figure out anyone else whom I could trust.

Yes, I have faith that most of the pack was faithful to their Alpha King, but I couldn't speak for everyone else and if I picked the wrong person I'd lose Aubrie forever and that wasn't a choice I was going to make.

However, I am the son of a witch and not the king of werewolves for an invalid reason. Yes, the title was passed down through blood, but most importantly I respected as I grew up I had to be the smartest, and what could be smarter than getting my best men and women in a room with a spiked drink to relieve stress, while going over where to find Aubrie. However this drink won't be spiked with alcohol, but a truth serum my lovely mother and sister have made.

I decided in doing this that I might as well kill two birds with one stone. Meanwhile, this was mostly to see who I could trust to bring to was with me, I'd also ask anyone who had recently met Aubrie to join us. While they might not be able or want to help us get her back, I'd rather know out of the people's she's met who she can really trust.

So I sent Autumn and Sebastian two move an hour and a half closer to her in case something went wrong. As their cover, if anyone there was to be part of their group, was that they were staying at a highly rated resort to help calm Autumn down and to be on a relaxing vacation because they Alpha King didn't want them involved.

I know kind of shitty of me, but it was the best thing I could come up with that seemed like a thing outsiders and insiders would believe. A guy so shook by his mate's kidnapping that he couldn't let his mate's sister help him. What a good, Alpha King.

So with Gavin, my interest was slim. For many reasons the main one being that Alexa and he have been touchy lately, but not publicly. I caught them making out in a room, while she should have been completing a lab test for me. Also, I don't think he would harm Aubrie and if so why didn't he do it sooner, like before I was in the picture.

Anywho my next suspects were Dani and Tina. My mom Rebecca introduced them and they went partying, but I never heard of her arguing with Aubrie so we will just have to see.

Lydia also wasn't much of a concern for me because she was Lisa's daughter. Lisa has always been my mother best friend and I grew up seeing Lydia a lot and she is pretty good friends with my sister and I. Aubrie and she are also very close and I know if she was apart of this it would devastate her.

Max and Kyle weren't really suspects of being traitors because they were family, but I knew they had a lot of contact with Aubrie so they may actually find something or come up with something that I haven't.

The Alpha King's Army MedicWhere stories live. Discover now