Chapter Eight

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When I wake up I'm in pain. Instantly my body tenses, readying to defend myself. I open my eyes to see it's because of someone squeezing my waist. My elbow automatically swings back to hit the person holding me, while my other hand tries to rip the persons grip off me. When I elbow connects with the person I feel there body tense and there grip get tighter.

"What's wrong?", I hear a sleep, deep voice say.

"Get your arm off of me before I rip it off.", I tell him. The arm just tights in response.

"Please you're hurting me.", I say. Suddenly the person is off the bed in a second and is checking me over.

I look up and see that it's the Alpha King.

"You were on the floor! You were meant to stay there! Why did you get in my bed?", I yell at him.

He simply ignores me and asks me, "What did I hurt?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. Now answer my question!", I tell him.

"No, answer mine first then I will.", he tells me.

"OMG. Why are you acting like a child? Are you always this insufferable?", I ask him.

Before he can answer Autumn walks in.

"So your finally up? Did he give you a nice workout?", she says wriggling her eyebrows.

"OMG! Is it act like a child day? No, I didn't sleep with him Autumn! What's wrong with you? Why would I sleep with him in the first place?", I tell her.

"Are you implying that I'm not good enough for you to sleep with?", he questions me.

"I'm done. Once you both grow up we can talk.", I say standing up.

When I start walking a instantly groan in pain. Worry flash in both of their eyes and the Alpha King is sitting me back down.

"Let me see.", he says.

"No. I'm fine move.", I tell him.

"No, you're being stubborn and it's not helping anyone. Let me take care of you.", tells me.

"Fine. Go get Nicole.", I tell him.

"Okay. I'll be back. Don't let her move.", he tells Autumn.

"So you really didn't sleep with him?", she asks.

"No, but if you want someone to sleep with him so badly do it yourself.", I tell her.

"Maybe I will.", she says.

"No you won't.", says Sebastian angrily as he walks in.

"Hey, love. How are you?", she asks him to nicely.

What did you do Autumn?

"I'm terrible. How are you?", he says.

"I'm great.", she says.

"Are you going to ask why I'm terrible? Isn't that the polite thing to do?", he questions her.

"Oh sweetie, I'm the reason why you're terrible, you don't need to tell me again silly.", she says once again overly sweetly.

"Why...", I'm cut off once the Alpha King comes in with Nicole.

"I heard I'm needed.", Nicole says.

"You're always need.", I tell her.

"Oh so that why you didn't sleep with him! Why haven't you told me? I'm your twin.", Autumn exclaims.

"OMG! No! Autumn stop.", I say.

"No babe now she knows we can tell everyone remember you told me you had to tell her first and now you have.", Nicole says.

"This is sexual harassment. Get me a new doctor and a new twin please.", I ask Sebastian and the Alpha King.

"What you don't love us anymore?", Autumn says.

"Nicole can you please just check out my ribs? They hurt.", I ask her.

She instantly sobers up and says, "Sure. Of course."

She pulls up my shirt and unwraps it from where she wrapped it yesterday. I look down and I see black and blue covering my whole rib cage and down by my waist.

"I can look for pain killers again, but I only found werewolf pain killers, which will have you knocked out and high as a kite for a couple of days maybe a week.", she tells me.

"Yeah. No thank you. Been there, done that.", I say.

"Give them to her.", Autumn and the Alpha Kind say. You can tell from how they said it that Autumn said it because she wanted to see me high and the Alpha King said it because he seem worried.

"Okay, I'll only take them if the pain gets worse okay?", I tell them.

"Okay.", everyone says.

"Until you are better though you have to stay in bed okay?", Nicole tells me.

"I will.", I tell her.

"Make sure she doesn't get out of bed.", she tells the Alpha King.

"I will.", he says.

"Oh and so you know your dad has been discharged. His infection cleared up.", she say to him and me.

"Okay thanks.", he says.

Nicole, Sebastian, and Autumn then leave all needing to do things and it leaves me with the Alpha King.

"I'm sorry.", he whispers.

"For what?", I ask him.

"The bruises on your waist I didn't realize I was harming you and I made your bruise.", he says.

"It's fine. That's not even the part that's hurting.", I tell him honestly.

"Good.", he say.

"So what are you?", I ask him.

"Excuse me?", he say confused.

"I mean you're not just a werewolf so what type of hybrid are you?', I ask him.

"Oh well I'm a vampire and werewolf, which I get from my dad as you know, and my mom is half witch and half werewolf, so I'm half werewolf, one fourth warlock, and one fourth vampire.", he says.

"Wow. That's crazy. I've only heard about one other person like that.", I say.

"Let me guess her name is Alexa Redwood?", he says.

"Yeah, it is.", I say.

"That's my sister.", he says.

"Really? She's amazing she's done incredible work making medicine for werewolves.", I say.

"Yeah. I know.", he says.

"I'm sorry I heard my name.", she says as the person I can only guess to be Alexa walks in.

"That's why I called her.", he says.

"Why did you call her?", I say.

"Because of our dad's infection he got. She would have been able to identify it.", he says.

"I also brought him this.", she says while throwing him a medicine bottle.

"Here.", he says passing it to me.

I read the bottle Acetaminophen it reads.

"Thank you.", I tell her.

"You're welcome. I also brought stronger stuff because he ask for something to relieve pain he didn't even say how strong of pain.. Oh and I'm Alexa if you haven't caught up with that", she says.

"Yeah, I know. I'm...", I say, but then I'm cut off.

"Aubrie. I know, Theodore told me all about you."


I hope you liked this chapter! Also I'm 961 in werewolf! That's insane. Thank you guys so much!

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