Chapter Twelve

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The next couple of days went the same way. The pack was standoffish and ignored me. I didn't see the Alpha King a lot. Over these couple of days, I became fully healed and started to feel more like myself. However, the transition out of the army life was difficult. My sleep schedule was totally opposite of theirs. I would sleep throughout the day and be up at night. This lasted the first five days I was there until I forced myself to stay up all day and fall asleep when they did.

I'm heading to their training center now. No one would tell me where it was so it took a little investigating on my part, but it wasn't that hard to guess. Going into the training center I got a lot of odd looks. Looks that hold the question why are you here? Ignoring them, I instantly go into the training area for combat. Based on their looks, I can tell it was one wolf and one vampire going against each other. There's a small crowd watching them shouting.

That's when I start to look around. Where are all the girls? Wait, this is a traditional pack. Females aren't allowed to fight. Well, it looks why my reason to dislike this pack style just keep on growing.

My attention goes back to them when I hear the guys shouting louder than they were. The vampire had the wolf pinned down. After, about twenty seconds of having him pinned it was ruled that the vampire had won and the wolf was now sulking a little. This causes me to let out a little laugh, which causes all the attention to turn to me.

"What are you doing in here?", someone says. While the wolf says, "What are you laughing at human? I could have you on your ass in a second."

"I highly doubt that.", I state confidently. You're going to cause a fight again and you're just going to get yourself bruised again. Do you really think this is a good idea? My subconscious nags at me.

"Really? Want to put that to the test, sweetheart? We wouldn't want you to get hurt, now would we?", he says.

"I think it you actually who doesn't want to get hurt because when I kick your ass your ego may bruise so much you'll die."Stop you're digging yourself a hole.

"That a lot of talk for a small, pathic human.", he says.

"I won't be the pathic one when we are done. Unfortunately, I do have a curse of being short."Great, you fell into the hole and you better be able to drag your ass out of it.

"Let her into the ring.", he says.

A path is then cleared for me. As I walk through it some of the guys shove me or try to trip me, but I don't let it bother me. I walk into the ring a study him. He already had so noticeable bruising that hasn't gone away since the vampire fought with him. He looks fairly young and isn't that muscular than all the other wolves here. He must have just started training and possibly not shifted yet or he could just be of lower rank. I notice he's off balancing and is leaning on to his right side and his hands look heavily bruised. He has an injured left leg and he depends on his fists. I quickly compare his high and notice that he's about a half a foot taller than me.

"Okay guys, you both ready?", a guy says that's standing in the middle of us.

"Yes.", we say at the same time.

"Okay, start.", say.

The guy's hand instantly goes to hit my face, but dodge it. We then start to circle each other to see who will make the first move. Getting agitated with just circling each other so he springs at me to try to hit me. I dodge him again and send a kick to his stomach right where the arm he tried to punch me with was. The kick was good and surprises him giving me an opportunity to send a punch straight to his face. All of the guys around us are yelling at him to take me down. The guy, after recovering from the punch to his face, sends another punch to my face. I avoid this one, but I didn't pay attention to the kick he sent to my knee shortly after. The kick causes me to lose my balance and fall. A kick is then sent straight to my face.

Tasting blood in my mouth, I spit and grab his foot as he sends yet another kick to my face. After successfully grabbing his foot, I yank him down. I then quickly straddled him and send punches alternating to his face and ribs. He tries to knock me off balance so he can be on top, but I hold my ground. Blood now started to cover my knuckles from where is lip was now busted open. I felt a hand on my shoulder that drags me off him. Staring at my bloody hand I look up and see what I'd just done. I felt myself being engulfed into a memory I didn't want to re-live.

"I'm sorry.", I tell him.

"It's fine we coerced you into doing it and look you won.", he says.

"I know, but...", I say trailing off looking on to the damage I had done to his face and wondering about the bruises probably forming on his stomach.

"Hey, I'm fine. I'll be healed in an hour.", he says.

This is what you get when you dig yourselves a hole. You open memories you've buried.

"I have to go.", I say and I push my way through them.

I go back to the pack house and up to my room. On my way there I get weird looks and I realize why. Not only did I still have blood on my hands, but I had some on my shirt. I go some clothes to change into and then instantly took a shower. As I washed my body I hastily scrub all the blood on me off as hard as I could, making some of my skin turn raw. The skin that mostly turned raw was my hands.

You're not there. You're here. Alive and breathing. They're dead you're not. You did what you had.

Was the mantra I kept repeating in my head as I tried to get my memories and thoughts to stop forming in my head.

After getting out of the shower and getting dressed I went out of the room. Theodore was there sitting on my bed looking as if he was going to interrogate and yell at me. His pack probably told him I had blood on me. He notices me as soon as I stepped out and I watch his face go from angry to concerned in less than a second as he stands up and starts moving towards me.

"You're crying.", he whispers quietly.

My hand goes to my face. I was crying and I didn't even notice it. He then moves towards me again and I'm engulfed in a hug.

Neither of us says anything for a long time. We just stand there hugging as I take comfort in him.

Finally, he breaks the silence around us by asking me sweetly, "What happened,  χρυσή μου?"

"It's nothing. I was just sparing with some of your warriors..," I say, but then stop because his body tensed up.

"They didn't harm me. I won and I got blood all over my hands and it brought up some memories I didn't want to think about .", I say. 

He stays tense, but relaxes a little and hugs me even tighter. "Do you want to talk about it?", he asks me gently. 

"No, I really don't want to talk about it. I just want to go to bed.," I tell him.

"Okay, I'll let you go to bed, but you have to let me make sure you're not hurt anywhere.", he tells me. 

"Okay.", I say as I nod a yes.

He checks me out quickly and after he's done he tells me what I already new. That I'm fine. He asks me if I want him to stay, but I tell him no and that I'll be okay. He wishes me a good night and then leaves. 


Hi, guys! Thank you for getting me to #835 in werewolf! Also, summer break has officially started for me!! I'm so glad finals are over they were terrible! Since summer has started I will probably update a little more often. The next chapter will be up soon and will probably be a mix of Aubrie's POV and Theo's POV because I want to try writing in his and if I like writing in his you may get a more regular mix on their POVs. 

  χρυσή μου means my golden one  

The Alpha King's Army MedicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon