Chapter Thirty Six

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Theo's POV:

I knew something was here because of the spell, but I could never imagine what it was. I could only hope Aubrie would be here so I could save her, but the closer we got the more I hoped she wasn't. Outside were things, possibly supernatural creatures altered so differently that things are the only word you could describe them with. Their faces were distorted with what would resemble nasty blisters that covered head to toe. Screams of pain could be heard everywhere and I couldn't tell if they were because of physical torcher or the chemical, biological torcher that they have been experimenting with here.

We must find her quickly!

My nose was useless. The chemicals and smell of rotting flesh overtook it while I fought off anyone here. However, it looked like they had started to clear out this camp of theirs long before we had arrived. Only a handful of people were still here that weren't among the altered. I had killed quite a few out of the pure rage I felt entering this place, but I knew I had to stop.

The last one I killed was at my feet as I stopped. Capture the rest. I commanding through the mind link as I entered the first makeshift building among the ten that was in this camp.

The floor was full of shattered glass and the chemical smell burned my nose. Documents had been trashed on the floor, while computers had half there screens missing. I noticed that the building was sound proof as I continued my way through the build I noticed multiple labs each trashed and next door to each was rooms for patients that had chains on the walls and the floor was littered in different kinds of knives as well as needles.

I need computer techs and medical technicians here as fast as you can. Bring protective gear I don't know what you're going to have to mess with. I sent through the mind link to the base we came from.

The building was cleared out from the top levels and now I was climbing down the stairs of the basement. Dread it me hard when the smell of blood started to overpower the chemical burning sensation. When I reached the end of the stairs my vision let me see through the darkness and notice a body by the stairs. The person had about a height of about 5'3 and long hair just like Aubrie's. I couldn't smell her scent, but then again chemicals and blood were overpowering everything else. I could tell that the person was dead, not just from the blood pooling around the body or no rise or fall of the chest, but I also couldn't hear a heartbeat from it.

It's not her's. It can't be. I would have felt the bond. Right?

I quickly tuned more to my warlock side and cast a spell letting light from the room. I could now see that the bodies must have been here for weeks based of the decomposition of the body and I was slightly overjoyed at the fact that the blood and chemicals overpowered the smell of a rotting body. Knowing it couldn't be Aubrie also made me slightly happier, but then I could only feel sad knowing that this person could have left family and their mate behind.

I went around the body moving further into the room. The basement was huge and now with the lights on, I found many corridors and rooms with locks on them. The beginning rooms all had about the same things in them. Blood and chemical were all over the rooms as well as the material they used to inflict the harm and inject the chemicals. Bodies were found in several and every time I found them I experienced the same thing. Dread filled me and the fear of it being Aubrie made me feel like my heart was going to rip out.

After what felt like a terribly long journey I finally reached the end. This part of the basement was differently. There were no doors instead metal cells lined the end and I could make out the smell of wolfbane and other chemicals that could harm mine kind or others.
Then I smelled Aubrie. My wolf tried taking over, but I pushed it back as I walked over to the farthest cell. The closer I got the more I noticed I could hear a heartbeat. I could tell it wasn't coming from the cells filled with her smell, but I didn't care I had to check hers first. I open the cell roughly as I broke the metal to get in since it was locked. The chemical lining it burnt my hands, but I didn't care. I had to get to her. With the cell open, I could see that I was right no one was in this cells, however, her scent and her blood was and then I made out a second smell in the room, Elijah's.

Why is Elijah's scent here? Was he the trader?

I couldn't hold back my wolf any longer and I shifted out of rage. He tour throw the cell jumping and tearing at the bars as he calmed down we could hear the heartbeat even better. It was faint but noticeable. With him calmer now he was willing to listen to me, we made our way out of the cell and into the one with the heartbeat. The closer I got the strong Elijah's scent became. Then I saw her. It wasn't Aubrie and I knew it wasn't her twin Autumn, but she still resembled them. The closer I got I could make out more differences she looks to be taller and a skin tone darker and wasn't human. I couldn't make out what she was, but her scent and they damage they dod tp her a human wouldn't be able to have or withstand. She was locked up with chains and had knife markers all over her.

They left her for dead.

Still, in my wolf form, I shifted quickly and tear the chains off her. I grab her as quickly and carefully as I can and hurry her upstairs.

I found someone, but she needs medical care fast. Send a medical team to the first building and fast. She might have the answers to finding your Queen. I sent to through the mind link.

Queen Aubrie. That has a nice ring to it. I thought to myself as I made my way outside with the girl.

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