Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache. What happened last night? I can't remember anything after that stupid guy and that stupid drink.

I slowly got out of bed and went to my bathroom. My makeup is still on from the night before making me look like a raccoon. My clothes are still the same ones that I wore to the club expect they now have wrinkles all over them. Ugh! Why did we think going clubbing was a good idea? I haven't done this since like I was illegal. God, why am I so boring? Maybe I should do this again. Just less alcohol.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes and took a nice, hot shower. Hoping it would help me feel better. I then brush my teeth and put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I then brush my hair into a bun. Time to look for some Asprin.

I leave my room and go into the kitchen and see that everyone is up except for Theo and is sitting at the table. The table was pretty big and there were two seats left open. Nickolas and Rebecca were towards the head of the table an empty chair was by Nickolas. Rebecca had her friend Roxie next to her. Next to Roxie was Tina. Tina had Dani next to her and Dani then had Lisa. Lydia sat next to her mother, Lisa and had a seat saved on her other side. Then it went Alexa, Max, and Creepy Kyle.Ugh. I thought this was just the Alpha King's floor! Why couldn't I just have a hangover in peace?

"I want Aspirin.", is all that I say to them as I take a seat at the table. I sit in the seat between Lydia and Alexa.

"We were saving it for you.", Alexa whispers to me.

"Well aren't you just so cheerful in the morning.", Creepy Kyle says loudly making me wince.

I then whisper, "Dear God, make him shut the fvck up before I make him shut the fvck up."

"Okay, here you go.", said, Lydia, as she gets up and goes to the cabinet and pulls out a bottle of Aspirin. I take the bottle and take a whole pill. "The one you took was a werewolf one."

"Good. Then maybe the construction crew will stop trying to build things in my head. Aren't any of you hung over?", I say looking at Rebecca, Dani, Roxie, Lisa, and Lydia. They all had been drinking yesterday.

"No, not really.", they all say giving me pitiful looks.

"I hate werewolves. I hope you and your hangover resistance bodies will go die. Ugh.", I say as I move my head down and end up hitting it hard. "I hate your extra strength headbutting table too. "

The all start laughing at me but suddenly stop. I look behind me and see why Theo's in the room.

"Hey, Theo! How was your night?", I ask. Everyone turns to look at me with faces like why did you just ask that. Theo then gives me the same look, but it shortly turns angry.

"Do..Do you not remember last night? ", Max asks looked shocked.

"No. That guy Alexa and Lydia saw me with order me a drink and I didn't notice it was werewolf strength until too late."

"You...You didn't notice?"

"No. I was already pretty drunk. Why? What happened?", I say looking around. The all look like they don't want to tell me and then they all look away.

"Well from what I heard and son be calm about this you were hooking up with a guy when they found you.", Nickolas says.

"How can I not remember that!", I say and a growl is heard from Theo.

"Okay moving on. Can you remember anything after that like Max and Kyle picking you up."

"No. I don't remember Max or Creepy Kyle being there. Crap I mean Kyle, not Creepy Kyle."

The Alpha King's Army MedicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora