Chapter Twenty Two

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It was official I am Alexa file reader. That's what I've been doing for days, but this time Nicole would help me go through them and Lydia would copy them and upload them to the file because every file we got was paper. Every time we had thought we had finished a new truck arrived with even more and then a thought final struck me a thought that had me fearful.

"Guys you want to know what I just realized?", I ask Lydia and Nicole.


"In the past couple of days, we must have gone through at least 400 files. That's a lot of dead werewolves, witches, and vampires. ", I say and as I say that another thought files into my head. Before they can even comment on what I said I say, "Have you guys seen any human hybrids in these files?"

"No.", they both answer.

"Search human through the files, Lydia."

"No human hybrid on record."

"Let's go.", I say as I get up and leave the room making my way to the lab.

"Aubrie what are you doing?", Nicole asks me as I make my way downstairs.

"Proving a theory.", I say as I walk into the lab not bothering to put any protective wear on.

"What are you doing Aubrie? Why don't you have any protective gear on?", Alexa says as she and Gavin look at me when I enter.

"Oh no. Nicole, she has that crazy look in her eyes again.", Gavin says.

"Shut up, Gavin. Anyway, though I have a theory. So we've been going through the files and I think I found an important fact. None of the people effected have been human hybrids and I've met hundreds of human hybrids over the years who are in the army. "

"So you think humans have something in there DNA that makes them immune  to it?", Alexa says excitedly.

"Yes. So I thought the fastest way would be to test it.", I say as I go to the boxes full of guns and bullets.

"Here comes the crazy.", I hear Gavin whisper.

I grab a hand gun and load it.

"What are you doing?", Alexa, Lydia, and Nicole.

"Remember yesterday you were complaining of not getting any blood on your hands and not working? Well, I'm about to test my theory and give you something to work." I aim the gun so it will graze my other arm.

You're insane. My subconscious tells me.

You've gotten shot before I mean it hurt, but it didn't hurt that much right? I think as I pull the trigger and everyone in the room screams.

Holy shit! Motherf@&!er that hurt way more than I remembered!

"Holy shit, Aubrie.", Nicole says as she rushes to her my injured arm. "You have no self-preservation do you?"

"Theodore is on is way and he's pissed off.", Alexa says as she grabs a chair and pushes me in it.

"You told Theo! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"First of all, you are in no position to be questioning what is wrong with me when you just shot yourself. Second, of all, he's my brother and your mate and my Alpha I had to tell him no matter what.", Alexa rants.

The Alpha King's Army MedicWhere stories live. Discover now