Chapter Eighteen

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The files took forever to go through. Currently, I was going through the Alpha Kings.

Nickolas Hunter. 398 years old. Born May 27, 1785. Mate: Rebecca Hunter Rank: Former Alpha King. Height: 6'3

I flip through the pages of the files to get to his most recent time in the hospital. The time I treated him. I see my handwriting and the notes that I have made and some different handwriting of other doctors and nurses.

Infection present as a bacterial infection... 

Before I could read anymore a knock sounded at my bedroom's door. I had been reading patient files all more and taking down important notes. After about an hour in the lab, I got tired of doing it there so I decided to go and sit at the desk by my window in my room. I go to open the door and Theo is there waiting with a plate of food in his hands.

"You didn't come out for dinner.", he says as he walks into my bedroom and taking a sit at the desk I just occupied. He sets the food down and looks at my notebook and some random papers. "What's all this?" He says flipping through the notebook that was 2/3 the way full.

"Notes on medical records involving the infection found on your dad that other wolves aren't recovering from.", I tell him as I grab my iPad and unlock it and show him all the files I've been through and the ones I still have to do.

"Why are you doing this? Isn't my sister the expert on this stuff?", he says as he starts reading over some of the notes.

"I'm doing it so when Gavin and Alexa can go through my notes so they won't have a million files instead they  just have cliff notes about each person.", I tell him as I grab the plate of food and the silverware and start to eat the delicious looking spaghetti he made. I take a bite of it and find out that it's even more delicious than it was even more delicious then it looked.

Thank God for men who can cook.

"Gavin's arriving in two days. He was confused on why he was being sent here. Did you forget to tell him?" Theo asks as he continues to read through the notes I've taken. I watch him grab a highlighter I had out and start highlighting some parts of the notes.

"Yeah, I did. I should probably text him and fill him in. What are you doing to my notes?", I ask him as I walk over to the nightstand by my bed and grab my phone off it and start composing a text to him.

"I'm highlighting inconsistencies in the infection.", he says as he continues going through them.

I finished composing the text to Gavin to fill him in when I go back to where I was eating next to the desk. I wonder why there would be inconsistencies as I eat my food. "They're enhancing and modifying the infection. That's why the inconsistencies are there. But how would they know the effect on the wolves? I doubt they have volunteers testing them out so...", I trail off as I stop to think.

The room was silent as we both ponder over was I just said. Theo was still flipping through the notes I've taken and I was almost done with my food when I thought of how the could be testing it.

"Do you think they got there hands on actual wolves? Or maybe they could have captured some of our wolves." , I say leaving out the three options that came into my mind. I knew he wouldn't like it or want to believe it.

"No one had been reported missing and we are at a standstill in the war. No one has gained or lost any land. The wolves idea is highly unlikely because it would be hard to get a hold of as many actually wolves as they need. Plus werewolf DNA is that all like a wolf's DNA."

"Yeah, true. Theo, I want to suggest something but you have to promise not to get angry okay?", I tell him as I grab a napkin and wipe off my face since I've finished eating the spaghetti.

Please don't let there be red spaghetti sauce on my face. I swear I'm not a messy eater it just happens.

I focus my self back in and see Theo looking at me and he says,"What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything! I'm just suggesting another way they could know how effective the infection is. Just promise you won't get mad."

"Fine, I promise won't get mad.", he says somewhat reluctantly.

"Okay, um... Do you think there could be a chance that you have a mole?", I ask uneasily and avoid looking at him.

"Excuse me? What are you implying?", he says angrily.

"Remember that promise you made like fifteen seconds ago about not being mad? Well, let's keep it fresh, like super fresh in your mind that you are not aloud to be mad. ", I say and take a short pause before answering the question he just asked.

"I'm not trying to imply anything about your leadership or anything like that. I'm just trying implying that maybe someone is a spy. They would probably be where I was stationed or close by because that where the infections are appearing.", I say.

I look at Theo a couple minutes later to see that he does not look happy at all. He has his hand gripping my bed and I get a glimpse of his nails pointing out. He has an angry, but concentrated look on his face probably trying to contain himself from shifting.

Not knowing what to do in this situation I instantly start shifting away from him. An experience in my teen years makes me extremely nervous around angry wolves, but I push it away.

"That's impossible.", Theo almost barks out as he finally speaks.

"I actually think it's very possible. I mean think about it. So one of the rebelling packs have family members in a non-rebelling pack. They turn the family in the non-rebelling pack on to their side. They stay here to help from the inside and when they have this infection that they can use on us instead of their own they just decide to send them to the war front so they can know how it's working. This makes it so end the end they have no casualties while testing it out and if it doesn't work then know harm done. They can just change it and go from there so in the end, it will have they highest kill rate as possible." , I explain quickly. The more I explained they anger Theo became. By the end of it he looked like he wanted to rip someone's head off.

"You're right.", he says and then he abruptly goes to leave the more. He almost tears the door off its hinges when he leaves.

I sit there in silence for a couple seconds and then pick up my plate. I go into the kitchen and wash and dry my plate and silverware. It takes me a couple minutes but I find where everything belongs and I go back into my room.

In my room, I continue what Theo was doing and highlight everything. When I finished with that I returned to my notes and started tearing them out of the notebook I was using as best as possible and start organizing them based on the similarities in the papers to know when they improved the infection. I used the dates the people were infected to help, but it still took forever.

When I was finished I finally looked at the clock and saw it was three in the morning. Exhausted I feel into a dreamless sleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry it took me forever to get it out and actually write it. Unfortunately, this month I may update a little less because I need to start my summer assignments for a couple of my classes this year, but I am still going to try to update every Saturday. Also, I really need an opinion on something. I know I'm saying what's infected all the wolves is a bacterial infection but I'm seriously thinking about changing it to a virus. What do you think?

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