Chapter Thirty Four

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Note:THIS IS A DREAM OF A MEMORY AND IS MORE EXPLAINED TOWARDS THE END!  Also some of this should seem familiar from a previous chapter.

I was in a basement or cellar. It looked like it was made into a prison. I could hear the scream of other inmates, which lead me to believe this prison was more like a torched chamber. My nose was attacked by the smell of pee, vomit, and blood. The smell was somewhat normally for me since I work as a medic and a surgeon, however, the prison interior and screams of pain and terror was new.

I then saw a guy that had a million tattoos and looked like he wasn't in the best state of health, that stood outside my cell door. This wasn't normal and a bad feeling that went through my body and when we made eye contact the feeling became prominent that nothing good was going to come from him. He started talking, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. He wasn't speaking English and I could barely hear him. After he finished talking a wicked smile came over his face and his hand reached in to touch me. I backed myself as close to the wall as I could so he was unable to touch me and noticed that my hands were tied behind my back. He said something again, that I could understand. That when I noticed my hearing was muffled, from what I couldn't remember. I couldn't even remember how I got in this prison chamber. My brain felt scattered, not able to hold on to thoughts for very long.

Before I could try to remember how I got there I saw him reach for the door and pull out keys.  My anxiety spiked and the bad feel intensified. The keys jingled as they slowly made their way to lock, my eyes following every movement he made. My brain then started to work and I realized that my life depended on getting these keys.To get them would mean I would be able to escape this place. That when I made the choice I would get these keys by any means necessary. When I heard a very faint click, the door swung open. Slowly, he came in and closed the door.

Stepping towards me, he said, "Aren't you just the prettiest human?"

I stayed silent and tried to play it off as I didn't understand what he was saying.

"You speak English?", he says. I ignored him again and I saw him get angry as he then says,"Do you speak English, bitch?" and slaps me in the face.

I continue to ignore him, which only infuriates him more. He then gets up close and shouts directly into my face, "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION? DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING WAS OF SPACE."As he shouts he spits in my face and then grabs a handful of my hair.

I try my hardest to stay nothing and to show him no emotion. No sign that I was scared for my life because I stuck in a cell with an insane man.

"Fine. You don't want to talk. That's fine there are other things I can do to make you talk." he threatens. I give him not reactions and I see his hand reach out and grab me. He throws me to the ground and unable to catch myself I hit the floor hard with the right side of my face taking the impact first.

He starts to punch and kick at me when a voice calls out, "¿Qué hizo la señora? (What did the lady do?)" The voice was recognizable, but my brain was still scattered so I could put a name to it.

He stops hitting me and address the voice. "¿Ahora quieres hablar? (Now you want to talk?)" this

"Sí toma sus manos fuera de ella. (Yes if you take your hands off her.)"

"No negocio con presos. (I don't negotiate with prisoners)". He says back to the voice and then continues to hit me. Unable to defend myself well with my hands tied I use my feet to the best of my abilities and are able to kick him in the face hard enough to cause him to stumble back.

"Ella no sabe inglés o español!(She doesn't know English or Spanish!)"The voice called out again distracting him from charging after me.

"¿Cómo sabes eso? (How do you know that?)" He says as he takes a threatening step towards me.

"Mi gente la secuestró de niña. Ella no es una de nuestra especie. Ella es un humano analfabeto que el propósito es ser un esclavo de nuestra especie.(My people kidnapped her as a child. She is not one of our kind. She is a illiterate human that's purpose it to be a slave to our kind.)" This must have caught his attention because he leaves out of my cell more interested and what the voice was saying. I hear him lock my cell and send a chilling look my way. I pretend it doesn't affect me and just push myself closer to the wall and pay attention to the ground. I glace out of the corner of my eye and see him turn towards the cell opposite to mine. The cell where the voice was coming from.

"Qué idioma habla? (What language does she speak?)"

"No sé. Cuando llegó a mí ya habIa aprendido a no hablar y hacer lo que se le dijo.(I don't know. When she got to me she had already learned not to speak and to do what she was told.)"

I stopped paying attention and slept while the man interrogated him. My head started hurting again and pain from the new wound inflicted by the man became noticeable. I was in and out for a while and when the man finally left I realized who the voice was. It was Elijah and after the man left and I was sure it wasn't coming back I ask him a question I was dying to know.

"Why did you do that?" I whisper so it was barley audible to my ear, but I knew with his hearing he could hear it.

"Because I love you." Then I was out cold.

When I woke up from being exhausted the dream started off at a new spot. The guy was back and in my cell. Chills went through my body as I could feel anger radiate off his body. That anger was unfortunately all for me.

Then, I could feel my stomach being taking over with a sinking feel. His fangs dropped and I instantly knew a pleasant feeling wasn't coming. When a vampire bits you when they are mad the normal endorphins aren't produced so instead you feel an overwhelming force of pain that can knock some people out. 

He moves closer to me and I kick my leg out at him. He bares his fangs at me and roughly grabs one of my arms.

"My friends told me they heard talking from you yesterday after I left. They wouldn't let me punish your friend for it, but gave me all rights to you. Now, let's have some fun."

In that dream I never found out who the voice was. I always woke up before I did because the vividness of the dream. My therapist said the dream was a memory because it felt to real, but I didn't need her to tell me that. I knew it was a memory the second time I had the dream.She also mentioned it always ended there because my subconscious knew I could deal without with whatever came after, I knew that as well,but this time I got through the dream and now I'm sitting back in a cell with the voice on the other side of the door. The voice of a man who I can now recall loves me. Eli,my light in those dark memories that had faded away into nightmares. This time the screams and smell wasn't a dream anymore and it wasn't a memory, it was fate wait to repeat itself. The only question I had was why was this man on the other side of the door instead of in the cell adjacent to me.

HAPPY LATE NEW YEARS! I hope all your 2018 has been off to a good start! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'm sorry for leaving all of you on a cliffhanger for so long. I put translations for this chapters in parentheses and I'd like to know if you like it better. I honestly think it would be more convenient, but if you don't I'll change it. Also like always this chapter this UNEDITED! Sorry for the mistakes.

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