Ch. 2 Packing and Procrastination

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Chapter 2: Packing and Procrastination


"This is Neverland. They will be touring with you, lads." Simon says.

"WHAT?!" They shriek.

Present time:

Reagan's POV

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you this earlier, boys. But, Jackson and I decided not to tell you sooner." Simon says.

I roll my eyes and slouch in my seat. I turn to Jack.

"When are we leaving?" I ask/sign.

He shrugs. He is so hopeless sometimes.

"Why don't we introduce you guys. Neverland this is One Direction-" Louise and Chasity cuts Dad off.

"We know who they are." They snarl, glaring at One Direction.

"One Direction this is Neverland. I want you guys to get along." Dad says.

I smirk at him. I'm not a 'people person' as they say. This will be interesting.

"No promises." I sign to him.

"Come on, Rae. Can you at least try?" Dad asks.

I see curly, plaid, blonde, stripes and brown eyes, look at me.


I'm a very stubborn person. Dad should know this, I get it from him.

"Why doesn't she talk?" Curly asks rudely.

I give him my best death glare.

"Maybe cause I don't want to!" I sign sarcastically.

"What?" Plaid asks.

I roll my eyes. Of course they don't know sign language.

I just look out the window beside me. Wow, nice view. It has a perfect view of Big Ben and the buildings around it. Its amazing.

"Reagan?" Simon asks, snapping me out of my trance.


"Can someone translate?" He asks, looking kind of desperate.

"I'll do it." Jack says, because he is the closest to me at the moment.

"Alright then. Reagan, you and your band will have a separate tour bus, so if you want to bring your dog you'll have to keep him on the bus unless he has to pee or something like that." Simon says. The One Direction boys (I really have to learn there names) give Simon a look.

"Yes, Simon." I sign and roll my eyes.

"She said, yes, Simon." Then he copied my eye roll.

"What are your guys names, 'cause we have no idea." Damian says.

I thought he was dead, he was so quiet.

"I'm Harry, the one with stripes on is Louis, the one with black hair is Zayn, the one with blonde hair is Niall and the one with plaid is Liam. I really don't know any of your names, either." Now, who I know is Harry, says rather rudely if you ask me.

I don't like this guy, he seems very rude.

"Well, this is Reagan, our drummer, Jack, our bass guitarist, Louise and Chasity, our back up singers, Eric, our lead guitarist, Foster, our bodyguard and I'm Damian the lead singer." Damian says in monotone voice.

I guess he ain't to happy 'bout this either.

"We got to go. Good seeing you, Simon. See you in a few days." Dad says.

We all jump up, ready to get out of there. We run out of there and into the elevator. We scare an elderly when we run past her.

I laugh. I wonder what my voice would sound like if I could talk.

The elevator opens and we walk past the front desk. We walk out the door and over to our separate vehicles. Before we go our separate ways, I sign to them, "I'll text you guys later. See you next practice."

Before starting up my Harley and drove to my flat, where my 1 year old Pit-bull, Boo and  Beau were waiting for me.

* * *

I pull into the garage and turn off motorcycle. I put the keys into my leather jacket. I swing my leg off and start the walk inside of my building.

I walk through the doors and over to the elevator. I get in and stand awkwardly next to and elderly lady. I press 5 and wait for my floor. It felt like ages before my stop came. I get off quickly and go down the hall. I stop at my flat door (509) and open it. I step in and close the door quietly behind me.

I take off my coat and hang it up. I slip off my Converse and whistle for Boo. It takes a minute before he comes skidding around the corner, slipping on the hard wood floor. I laugh as he tries to make it to me without slipping. He finally gets to me and I sit down on the floor and pet his head. He comes and lays down on my lap. He soon falls asleep and I have to carry him to his bed in my room. I set him down and go over to Beau's tank.

I open the door on the top of the tank and pick him up. He immediately climbs up my arm and goes around my shoulders and lays his head there. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. I start to make some Ramen Noodles.

'I'm starving' I think as my stomach growls.

Once they are done, I put them into a bowl, grab a fork and go sit down on the couch. Through all this Beau had not moved. I turn on the TV and watch some Comedy Central. I finish and get to put my bowl in the sink. I grab the remote and turn off the TV. I walk down the hall and into my room. I put Beau into his cage and take my skinny jeans off. I put some shorts on and just climb in bed.

I don't care about my shirt. I pull the duvet closer to me and close my eyes. I finally fall into a dreamless sleep.

* * *


I feel the sun heat up my skin through the cracks in the shades. I roll over to try and get away from it. But, I'm awake now, so what's the use?

I lazily get out of bed and over to Beau's tank. I get a dead mouse out of little mini freezer that I keep under him. I drop it in the tank, knowing Beau will eat it when he wakes up. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. I put more food and water in Boo's separate dishes, then I get a bowl, spoon and Honey Nut Cheerios out for myself.

"Glad to see that your finally up." I spin around to find my annoying twin brother, sitting in one of my kitchen table chairs.

I put a hand on my chest and sign, "Jesus, you scared the living shit out of me."

He laughs at that.

"Well, I thought I'd give you a little heads up. Instead of leaving in 2 days. We are leaving tomorrow." He says before, getting up and opening my flat door.

"I would get packing if I were you." He says, closing the door behind him.

I sigh and finish my cereal in peace.

*Later that day*

I zip up my suitcase and lift it off the bed. I carry to the door and drop it there. I go back into my room and flop onto my bed. I groan into my duvet.

I finally finished packing one suitcase and one carry on. That took me about 2 and a half hours to do. Lets just say I have a degree in procrastination. I just want to sleep and that's what I did.

I do not want tomorrow to come.


Sorry for the crappy chapter, but I'm tired and I wanted to update. Here you go.



Love you, guys.


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