Ch. 24 Overdose

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Song of the Chapter: Pills N Potions by Nicki Minaj

Chapter 24

WARNING: self-harm and overdose

Reagan's POV

*1 week later*


I wake up to a blinding light coming through my window. I close my eyes tightly. I roll over so my back is to the sun and open my eyes. I stare at the wall blankly. My depression has gotten worse over the course of the week. I still love Louis, no one could convince me to hate him. Even though he cheated on me I think of him all day, everyday. I can't stop.

I've had enough of this life.


I get up out of bed and into the bathroom. I open up the cabinet behind the mirror and search for my depression pills that Foster got me 2 weeks ago-they didn't help-. I walk back into my room and throw the pills onto my duvet. I go to my desk and sit in the chair. I grab a pen and piece of paper. I start to write,

Dear everyone who cares,

I've decided to end my life.

I can't handle the world anymore, the weight was to heavy for my shoulders to hold. Live how I couldn't. Without a care.

Foster, my twin and brother, I know we've had our fights and conflicts, but I will always love you. Please spend as much time with Zane, Drew and Landon as possible, they need their big brother. I love you.

Drew, my one and only sister, I will always love you. I know I have never been the best big sister you wanted, but now you're the only sister the boys have left. Watch out for them please, they need the best sister advice I could never give them. Please. I love you.

Zane and Landon, my younger brothers, you have been the best younger brothers a girl could ask for, beside the part when you put all my bras in pickle juice. I still love you though. Don't be mean to Drew, please. She's been going through a lot, just help her through it, okay. It would mean a lot to me. I love you, both.

Dad, don't let your family slip though your fingers anymore than it has. I love you.

The Whole Family, don't let each other go. Remember, family means no one gets left behind.

Chasity and Louise, my soul sisters, you have been the best girlfriends a girl could have. You've helped me through so much. But, this time it was different. No could help me through this, not even myself. I love you, both. (keep singing with the other boys)

Jack, Eric and Damian, don't let the band disappear. Just because I'm gone, doesn't mean the band is gone. You guys are my brothers from another mother. Never lose each other. I love you, boys.

Zayn, Niall, Liam and Harry, my other brothers (I have a lot of brothers), do not let Louis go where I am going. Get him better. I know you can do it!

Harry, keep being a cheeky, flirty boy! (but get a girlfriend. A good one!). I love you, you cheeky bastard!

Zayn, mysterious boy you are! I never really got to talk you, sorry about that. You seem like a cool dude, find a girl who can crack that shy shell of yours ;D. I still love you though.

Niall, my Peeta, I think Adrianna from my Dad's agency likes you. You've met her once or twice. Just ask Foster for her number. It would mean a lot to her and me! I love you, Nialler.

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