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Song of the Chapter: Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer

Louis' POV

*7 years later*

"Come on! Its Mum's birthday, we have to go tell her happy birthday!" My beautiful 5 year old daughter says pulling on my hand.

I crack my eyes open a bit and give her a smile. I grab her waist and pull into me. She giggles and squirms in my arms. I sigh.

"Lets go get dressed then we can go." I say.

"Okay!" She kisses my cheek and runs off.

I smile and go into my closet. I pull out a green polo, dark blue skinny jeans and black Toms. I pull on some boxers and put on my outfit for the day. I walk out of my room and into Liliana's room. I kneel down near her bed and gently shake her. She slowly opens her eyes and smiles a sleepy smile. I open my arms and she climbs into them. I go over to her closet and pull out a plaid green and white dress. I put it on her and put some white strap shoes. Then I pick her up again and head into Carter's room. I see her trying to put on a white dress, with a baby blue stripe around her waist that had a dark blue flower on the side, but she seems to have it on backwards.

I smile and shake my head. I set Liliana on the floor and go over to Carter. She smiles at me as I turn the thick strapped dress around. When its finally in the right place, she pick out baby blue Converse and a blue head band for her long, wavy dark brown hair. She looked so much like her Mum. She smiles at me with those white teeth and grabs my hand. I put Lilly (my nickname for my youngest) on my hip and walk out hand-in-hand with my oldest.

"Bye, Lisa!" I yell to our cleaning lady before leaving out the door.

"Bye, Louis!" I hear her yell before I put the girls in the car.

Once I get them strapped in, I hop into the front seat and we were off. I had already called the school and the daycare center that the girls weren't going to be there today, so I didn't have to worry about it later.

* * *

*20 minutes*

I pull on the side of the road and get out. I get the girls out and they run towards where Reagan is. I walk behind them until I'm standing right in front of her. A tear falls from my eye.

The grave read,

In Loving Memory of,

Reagan Marie Summers

Loving Wife, Mother, Sister and Daughter

She had the best life

Liliana put the one of the red Dahlia's that they have at the store. I would always buy a bouquet of those for our anniversary. They were her favorite. Then Carter pulled out a drawing of the 4 of us. I go on one knee as Liliana came over to me. I pull her under one arm and hug her to my body. Carter puts the picture by the flower, then she comes over to me and I pull her under my other arm. We are all crying by now. They don't deserve to live without a Mum. I remember when she left...



3 years earlier

"LOUIS! SHE'S COMING! THE BABY IS COMING!" Reagan yells from downstairs.

I rush down the stairs with Carter in my arms.

I grab the bag that was by the door in case this would happen and put it in the back seat. I buckle Carter up and shut the door. I rush back inside and pick Reagan up bridal style. I carry her outside, shutting the house door behind me with my foot. I put her on the passenger side and close the door. I hop into the driver's side and start up the car. I back down the driveway and head for the hospital. I look at Reagan and hold her hand tightly. She breaths heavily as we pull onto the highway.

* * *

*hospital room*

A Couple Hours Later

"Come on, baby, a few more pushes." I urge.

Our 2nd baby was almost here, after waiting 6 agonizing hours. I couldn't wait. Carter was with my band-mates and their wives, girlfriends, kids in the waiting room.

"I don't think I can do it, Lou." She groans, "Ahhhhhh!" She screams as another contraction sets in.

"Don't give up! Imagine what our family would be like with another child. Holding a little bundle again." I say smiling squeezing her hand a bit.

"Okay." She says, quietly.

"Okay, Mrs. Tomlinson. I'm going to have to ask you to push a few more times. I can see the head of he baby." The doctor says.

Reagan nods, best she can and pushes again.

"Almost there," The doctor says, " Here she is!" Then I hear the wonderful cry of my 2nd child.

"Its a girl! Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" A nurse asks.

I nod and take the scissors. I cut it and then they take Liliana Jane Tomlinson to get cleaned up.

"We need to make the bleeding stop, now!" All of a sudden there was chaos.

Reagan had lost to much blood and they couldn't stop more from coming. I held onto her hand tightly. I watched as tears streamed down her face making her make-up run down her cheeks.

"I leaving, Louis." She said hoarsely.

"No, you can't leave me alone. Not now." I cry, holding her hand harder.

"I'm sorry. Take care of the girls for me, I know you can." She breathing slows, "I love you, Louis."

Then her heart monitor stopped beating...

And my whole world came crashing down.

*End flashback*

I was still hugging the girls when I came out my flashback. I wish she was here. I will never forget her memories. They will always live inside my mind, making me smile, cry or make feel empty.

"Come on, girls. Lets go get some ice cream. That was Mummy's favorite thing." I say forcing a smile.

"Okay, Daddy." Liliana says quietly, as I buckle her into her seat.

I buckle Carter in. She still had tears running down her face. I wipe them away with my thumb.

"Don't cry, princess." I say softly.

"I'm not a princess, I'm a football player. And I want Mummy, I miss her." She says cries into my shirt.

I rub her back soothingly.

"I know, sweetheart. I miss her too." I say, pulling back.

I wipe away the tears.

"Don't cry, okay? I don't like seeing my girls cry. We have ice cream to get, remember?" I ask, giving her a sad smile.

"Okay, Daddy. Ice cream is waiting." She mumbles.

I smile and shut her door. I get into the driver's side and head out of the cemetery. Until our anniversary, Rae.

You will always be in my mind.

I promise.

No One Will Never Hear Your Silence.


This is the end! I love this book, thank you guys for reading!

To clear somethings up a bit, Reagan died giving birth to Liliana and left Louis alone to raise 2 girls.

Liliana has blue eyes, short light brown hair and a happy personality. Carter has green eyes, long dark brown hair and a boyish personality.

I love you guys so so so so so much!

Also, please check out my friend, hemm1996  's books because she works really hard on them and she really deserves followers and feedback and stuff on her books.

Keep on reading, my friends.


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