Chapter 3

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You had a shocked look on your face, almost like you were offended with what he said. You weren't offended you were just surprised he would ask something as creepy as that.

"Ah no no I didn't mean it like that!" He began to chuckle. Your face softens.

"I just meant if it's far I could give you a lift. I mean you don't wanna walk around like that do you?"

I look down to my shoes which were heels. I sighed.

"Am I causing too much problems for you? I'm sorry" You looked down in embarrassment.

"Nah it's okay it's only right. I mean your at my house it's my pleasure"

He smiled at you and once again your heart melted. He walked you out to his car. As he opened the front door you instinctly grabbed the jacket he lend you. He chuckled at the sight of you.

"Told you it was cold"

You both got in his car and drove away. The car ride was pretty silent but every now and then you would tell him to go left or right. Though it was silent it wasn't exactly awkward. He was such a nice guy that you liked just being with him. He didn't even have to say anything. Just his presence was enough for you.

As he pulled up to your apartment you felt disappointed. If only you could stay a little bit longer...

"This is me. Thanks so much for everything Yoongi. I really appreciate it"

Once again you gave him your brightest and most sincerest smile. He warmed your heart so much despite of the coldness from last night.

You saw a faint blush on his cheeks. Or maybe it was the cold?

"Your welcome. See you around (y/n)"

That was your cue to get out of the car but you didn't. You were too captivated by his voice and his smile. You couldn't leave him. But you jumped and snapped out of it. You laughed awkwardly as you opened the door and walked to your door. You flashed him a last smile and wave before you went inside the house.

Yoongi looked at you as you went inside. Then he realised he didn't get his jacket back. But that was okay because he'd see you again. Certainly. He smiled to himself as he drove off.

You leaned against the door and slowly sat down against it. You clutched your heart and a wide smile on your face. All of a sudden Anji comes out of nowhere.

"Hohoho what's this? Little miss naughty is finally back~ DETAILS NOW" You frowned at her.

"What? Did I do something?"

"Yes you did. THE GUY YOU SET ME UP WITH WAS A BYUNTAE (pervert)"


"He took my first kiss.... he assaulted me.." Tears filled your eyes. All of a sudden Anji fell on her knees.

"What.. how did... how could I..."

She also began to cry. Seeing her like this hurt you. You started to cry even more. If anyone saw you two they'd think you guys were having a crying battle. Anji walked over and hugged you. Of course you were angry at her but everything that happened that night wasn't on purpose. She didn't plan or expect that. She only hoped for the best for you. It just happened to go the wrong way.

You were ready to go off at her when you saw her. But as soon as you saw the guilt on her face you couldn't do it. It wasn't all her fault... I guess...

Once you two finished she pulled back and looked at you in the face. You were both a mess. You saw more guilt in her face more than ever. You've never seen Anji like this your whole life. Even more reason to forgive her. Crying for attention wasn't something Anji would do so you believed her tears.

"I'm so sorry, if I knew that would happen I would've.." Her voice cracked and tears fell on her face.

"Ahhh enough I'm tired of seeing you like this. It's painful. Just stop" She looked at you in shock.

"What but aren't you.. mad at me?"

"Well yes but seeing as you're falling apart more than me it's okay really. And it was just a kiss. Luckily" You smiled and remembered Yoongi.


Then you remember you were still wearing his jacket. You grabbed it and smiled even more.

"Huh? Oh! So where did you sleep??? What did you do when night came? Omg (y/n)"

She dragged out your name and started to cry again.

"Aish stop I said it's okay"

"But what did you do" She was acting like a little kid throwing a tantrum.

"I slept over at someone house" You felt all warm and fuzzy inside.

"But who's?"

"This guy that saved me from the byuntae"

"Oh, what's he like"

"He's amazing. He so niceee and he's so hot too eee" You fangirled in front of her.


She looked at you with a confused face. After being assaulted this is how you act right after it? You felt disgusted but over all it wasn't really a big deal to you. You were still too childish to understand what had just happened. I mean I'm sure if Yoongi hadn't saved you, you would be super depressed. But after meeting him nothing else mattered.

"I think.. I like him" You started giggling childishly and walking around in circles.

"EHHHHH??? (Y/n) are you okay? Are you drunk? What happened?"

"No no and no"

"That doesn't make sense"

"Nothing makes sense hahahah"

You threw your hands up in the air and ran up to your room leaving Anji baffled.

"Wtf did I just see" said Anji to her self.

Once you got to your room you fell on your bed and day dreamed about him. You took off his jacket and smelled it. You clutched it near your heart.

"eeeee what am I doing! If anyone sees me they'll think I'm a pervert!"

After that episode you just laid in your bed and drifted to your land of dreams.

Idek anymore...

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